Always on the lookout for the most savage and unrelenting sounds in the metal underground, Iron Bonehead Productions is proud to present Tetragrammacide's Typhonian Wormholes: Indecipherable Anti-Structural Formulæ on 12" vinyl, now set for international release on November 9th. And today, heavily trafficked web-portal is premiering the new track "Extra-Terroristical Chaosophic Intelligence" HERE. Hailing from the rising Indian scene, Tetragrammacide burst forth in 2014 with the Tetragrammacidal Oration promo, laying bare the barbarity to soon follow. Now, the shadowy duo decimate all contenders and pretenders with with Typhonian Wormholes, a seven-song mushroom cloud of utter devastation 'n' doom. Literally sounding like its title, Typhonian Wormholes is an overwhelming onslaught of blown-out barbarism, in-the-red frequencies, and holocaustic atmosphere. References to their progenitors can be made - early Nyogthaeblisz, earlier Goatpenis, later Nuclearhammer, any Intolitarian - but Tetragrammacide possess a genocidal aura all their own. They do not belong to the "black metal" scene, nor do they subscribe to conventional definitions of "noise"; "war metal" is an apt appellation, but not as most understand it. Martial and yet serving the powers of chaos, Tetragrammacide have created a soundworld where there is no hope, no mercy, NO FUN: no "scenes" exist because they've been obliterated by undulating, uncompromising waves of sonic hatred. One does not simply dive into Typhonian Wormholes: Indecipherable Anti-Structural Formulæ - survival is not an option, only submission. Take the first step into submission exclusively HERE, courtesy of Cover and tracklisting are as follows:

Tracklisting for Tetragrammacide's Typhonian Wormholes: Indecipherable Anti-Structural Formulæ
1. Intro
2. Paramilitant Entropic Initiation
3. Intricate Acosmic Engineering
4. Interlude
5. Extra-Terroristical Chaosophic Intelligence
6. Eructation of Anti-Existential Consciousness
7. Outro
1. Intro
2. Paramilitant Entropic Initiation
3. Intricate Acosmic Engineering
4. Interlude
5. Extra-Terroristical Chaosophic Intelligence
6. Eructation of Anti-Existential Consciousness
7. Outro