Maybe it's the band's genesis as a working blues band that makes them seem so approachable compared to those other bands, or simply the band's raving medieval persona. Either way, Jethro Tull isn't prog rock for the concert hall or the music chamber, this is rock and roll for the pubs of Sherwood Forest, full of busty bar-maidens overflowing from their dresses, ale being tossed about in slushing, spilling pints, fires roaring and popping in the stone hearths, and a band of lunatic minstrels entertaining the crowd.
Growing up, I could never get into Genesis, Yes, and definitely not ELP. To my ears, most of it was soulless noodling from a bunch of wankers. Sure, Genesis had their moments, but it wasn't rock, not like the Kiss or Aerosmith records I was listening to. But Jethro Tull was another story. Combining textural passages of classical, folk, and jazz into their heavy blues-laden attack, they managed to tread that dangerous ground of "high-brow" rock with out ever tilting over the edge into boredom. No doubt about it, Jethro Tull, despite all their "prog" influences, always knew how to rock. Toss in a maniacal flute wielding, leaping and hopping, frontman, and we have Racer-approved prog.

Songs I never really appreciated before burst out in vibrant living color. "Sweet Dream," from the long-overlooked Stand Up era of the band and "One Brown Mouse," from the recently released Heavy Horses, resonate with a new found grace and power on this disc. Martin Barre's guitar work is never short of perfect for each song he touches, while the rest of the band simply locks in and churns out mind-numbing performances. "Sweet Dream," in particular is stunning for it's surging muscle, while "One Brown Mouse," beautifully emphasizes the more folk/minstrel qualities of the band. Both beautifully done, and now both amongst my favorite Tull tracks of all time.
From there, the concert is one masterful tour through old standards, new ditties, and classic performances. Ian Anderson never once fails to be an engrossingly compelling frontman, with a voice meant to sing steamy bar stories and a flute he wields with the finesse of a wandering swordsman. Everything you love about Tull is here, including fantastic performances of "Aqualung," "Locomotive Breath," and "Cross Eyed Mary." Just the staggering 11 minute plus opus that is "Thick as A Brick," is worth the price of this disc alone.

And it isn't just Anderson. Barre and the rest of the band, clothed in suits befitting their medieval heritage, each adds to the ambiance. I've seen some reviewers complain of the truncated performance as a drawback. Simply put, they're critics searching for faults. So we don't have every song on video, what we do have is vintage, compelling Tull. The camera angles and editing are perfect, adding to the dynamism of the band, truly capturing them in the moment. And the 5.1 sound is fantastic. So much so that you can hear every inhalation and exhalation Anderson takes during his flute solos.
All in all, a breathless package, one that any Tull fan won't want to be without.
Now, just to make things sweeter for you waveriders. The Ripple Effect is working with EMI /Capital to give away two copies of this Tull fest! That's right, give away, as in free. Simply leave a comment below or email me at the Ripple address and two lucky winner, chosen at random will get their own copy of the CD/DVD racing to their mailbox.
Hurry, winners will be chosen soon!
buy here: Jethro Tull: Live at Madison Square Garden 1978 (DVD/CD)
That being said though, I completely agree that this set is much better, especially in light of the video. Anderson was just bananas on stage!
I think my favorite TULL album is Songs From the Wood, and "Hunting Girl" my fave tune. But there be so many goodly tyunes, mayhap I be hard spent to make yon decision on which o' the best be better than the rest... See, even me language is changin'!
We guarantee good music shall follow
Tull is the best ever!!!!