All kidding aside, Everyone Is Someone is a spectacular, beautiful, and emotional collection of songs that I’m guessing may fit well with singer / songwriters such as Sarah McLachlan. I say, “I guess,” because I’ve never really listened to McLachlan, though her song “I Will Remember You” haunts me with its emotion every time I hear it, much like every song on Everyone Is Someone has been doing for the past week or so. Emotional. Y’know, that word pretty much sums up the entire mood to this album. It’s well defined and touches the nerves like no music that I’ve ever heard. For me, well . . . I found myself tooling around town, reflecting on loves lost, choices not made, and journeys to be traveled. And through it all, I felt the emotions welling up to the point that I suddenly felt sad. Not the doom and gloom, oh-my-life-is-so-awful kind of sadness, but more of that I’m-lonely-but-empowered kind of sadness. Big on vocal melody and staggering with those same harmonies, Amanda Walther and Sheila Carabine brought me to my knees with their roots-y, folk-y take on pop music.

Well, all of Everyone Is Someone has that affect in one way or another, but tracks like “Crushed” and “Stand In Awe” carry a similar weight as “Lonely Girl.” Both tracks are equally moody, melodic, and addictive. If you can’t feel something from these songs then you’re just dead inside. The single voice is powerful, as it sings through the verses, but when the second voice comes in, the emotion can be overwhelming. I’m wracking my brain to recall ever hearing anything quite this heavy. I’m not talking heavy metal heavy, I’m talking so emotionally charged that it feels like a twenty pound cat sleeping on your chest. I’m talking about the pressure one might feel while deep sea diving or of being at the bottom of a dog pile. Yeah . . . that kind of heavy!
For a little levity, Dala kick out the first single with “Levi Blues.” The song must have been included in a television show or movie recently because I had a feeling a familiarity right off the bat. Great fun lyrics, memorable, catchy . . . c’mon, give me another adjective! Upbeat and light hearted, I can’t help but dance in my chair, sing a line or two, maybe even crack a smile. It’s the type of song that will stick with you throughout the day. Saccharine sweet melodies drive this song, and odds are that even after a full day of not hearing this song that you’ll be able to pull it from your memory banks and hum it in its entirety. But, as fun a song as this is, and as good a song as this is, I keep going back to the more melancholy tracks coz’ I’m a sucker for the heartache.

Okay. Maybe that was a little melodramatic, but I think it helps get the point across. Wow! It’s a moving frickin’ album that must be experienced to be believed! Everyone Is Someone has rocketed to the top of my all time favorites list on the strength of emotion alone. The songs are out of this world, the subject matter is poignant, the performances . . . a step away from Heaven. I tried to explain to Racer that the music is so powerful that, while listening to it, it’s like some sort of chemical reaction is taking place in the body that separates the raw sensitivities from our emotions and brings them right to the surface for maximum exposure, emotions that are suddenly exposed to all of this pain and pleasure and sadness and joy, just being barraged and absorbing the experiences that life has to offer. Wonderfully exhilarating!
-- Pope JTE