Now, I don’t know too much of the back story about Arcturus other than, at one point in their career, they were once a black metal band of the most extreme order. But, like any good musician, they systematically pulled themselves away from being pigeonholed into any specific genre, as Sideshow Symphonies so adeptly shows, and created their own identifiable and unique sound. “Hibernation Sickness Complete” kicks this journey off into high gear as we witness the crew of this craft emerge from their hibernation cubes, tripping out and getting acclimated to their new surroundings . . . and the music captures the confusion of emotions. The guitars create layer after distorted layer of ominous bewilderment while the keyboards form passages that are ethereal, capturing the images of stars flickering through the ships portholes. Then the vocals with their paranoid and psychotic blend flesh out the crews emotions as they try to process their whereabouts, walking in a daze, stumbling over each other to take their appointed positions. Imagine waking up from a deep sleep to find yourself on the deck of a space craft, hurling at light speed, watching trails of stars zip past the windows, steam from the engine hissing from valves and all thought drowned out by the hammering of the engines pistons . . . the rapid fire beat of a double bass drum.

Arcturus have mastered the art of combining heavy elements of metal with ambient keyboard flourishes, creating art while still kicking ass. “Deamonpainter” is another fine example as the song starts off with a compelling piano and drum intro, crisp in production and sharp in sound. But it’s the guitar textures that really grab the attention best. Interspersed within the piano and drums are these great bursts of delayed guitar crunches layered over more guitars sweeping along with an infectious melody. Suddenly, the frenzy vanishes, like a space ship coming out of hyper drive and all the stars become still, and we’re dropped into a beautifully melodic verse full of rich vocal textures. Pay close attention to the keyboard interlude as the synths scream.

As I mentioned, Arcturus could have made Sideshow Symphonies so avant garde that it would have been unlistenable, but they did a masterful job of balancing the beautifully melodic prog aspects and the metallic muscle with loads of Broadway Theater. This album has camped out in my collection for a number of years, getting spun from time to time, and always leaving me in a state of befuddlement. The album is over the top, but not so much so that it can’t be listened to in the context of one’s average day. Sure, you can sit back with a pair of high tech headphones and listen to every nuance to the music . . . much like I do, but Sideshow Symphonies works well as background music as you toil through the more mundane aspects of life. Though, I highly recommend the former option and embrace the act of listening to music, appreciating the art form for what it can do to the emotions and the stimulus that it can create in the brain. Oh . . . and if you can track it down, another strong recommendation is for the vinyl edition as it comes in a double gatefold sleeve with white marble discs. How cool is that?!?!? - Pope JTE
Buy here: Sideshow Symphonies