While Enslaved may be the band stuck in the ice fishing hut in the middle of a frozen lake, Khold are the guys tucked in the darkened cabin, overseeing the natural domain of forever winter. Hundre ar Gammal is the soundtrack for these guardians. Though black metal in name, the album steers away from the blastbeat attack that has somewhat defined the genre. Hundre ar Gammal is a mid tempo, groove oriented opus that packs more menace than any kid named Dennis ever did. Gritty and textured guitar work and thundering bass lines propel the album, making it a head bobbing epic. The vocals, all sung in Norwegian, add an air of pain, despair, and realism that only a foreign tongue can produce. Beautiful in its ugliness, Hundre ar Gammal borrows from the dissonant brilliance of albums before it and Khold add their own unique spin to create a wondrous experience.
Opening track, “Der Kulden Rar” hits us right between the eyes with a mid paced piece that reminds me, at times, of Celtic Frost. Sparse guitar work through the verses give the song the air it needs to breathe, yet it’s these same sparse guitar passages played with an ornate quality that makes the song feel fresh. It sounds like there may even be a little ambient keyboard flourish hunkering around the background, which broadens the sound a bit. The vocals are incredible! Though sung in Norwegian, which is a language I know absolutely nothing about, it sounds familiar. Earthy and aggressive, the vocal lines portray the level of black metal dissatisfaction that I’ve come to expect.

Khold pick up the tempo a bit with “”Trolos”, and suddenly entertain us with a new wrinkle to the fabric of their being. Great dynamics as the instruments cut in and out of the mix! This tune has an almost straight up rock feel, but it’s the dynamics and darkness that will never make it truly accessible. Again, the guitar work is unique and compelling. Rather than simply bludgeoning the listener to death with a detuned riff, he’s incorporating cleaner tones and creating this perfectly addictive ambient feel. Khold may be categorized as black metal, but like the way Enslaved has stepped out of the black metal box and experimented with different sounds, Khold has done the same. Rather than go full fledged into the realm of experimentation, Khold has tweaked the tempos to be anything but typical.
“Forrykt” and “Rekviem” buck more of that tradition, dipping their toes in the pond of accessibility just enough to get a taste for the groove before going back into their snow covered cabin. “Rekviem,” in particular, is a haunting tune with its high pitched guitar melodies, lending a downright creepy and chilling aspect to the music. But it’s “Sann Ditt Svik” that gets me the deepest! With its swirling bass lines wisping about in the background and the guitars doing what they’ve done all album long (impress me to no end,) the tune has carved out a niche in my psyche and taken up residence. And the chorus . . . damn, I love it! I have no idea what they’re saying, but it sounds like dude’s yelling, “Snarch!” I have now adopted that as my war cry or curse when I stub my toe.

-- Pope JTE
buy here: Hundre Ar Gammal
www.myspace.com/metalmeathook (fan site) - posted tracks