Dream Theater – Parasomnia

Waveriders I believe the saying I’m looking for is “color me surprised”. Yes, that’s the one! I stand before you as someone who had gradually fallen out of love with Dream Theater. Admittedly that did take a while. I listened to this band for untold hours beginning in 2001 and ending in 2013. They were without a doubt one of my favorite bands, but it’s been over a decade since I bought a new Dream Theater album. Well Parasomnia just released and I’m back baby!


Allow me to provide a bit of additional detail regarding my listening relationship with this band. As stated previously I worshipped at the Dream Theater altar for many years. After hearing one particular friend repeatedly recommending them my initial exposure to the band came from picking up a copy of the Metropolis 2000: Scenes From New York DVD. I was absolutely blown away and from that point forward I bought everything that was released through their self-titled album in 2013.


To dispel the thought I’m sure has arisen in your minds no, it was not the departure of drummer Mike Portnoy which caused me to stop listening to Dream Theater. I liked the two albums I purchased with Mike Mangini behind the kit. I think he did a fabulous job! That said, I had reached a point in my life back in 2013/2014 where I simply wasn’t vibing with many elongated songs and I’d become a bit burnt out on the band (they were not the only band this statement applied to either). So I decided to take a break. I needed my space.


Fast forward to present day. My ears perked up in 2023 when I learned along with everyone else that Mike Portnoy was returning to Dream Theater. I let myself become cautiously optimistic for the music we would be hearing. Parasomnia was released in February of 2025 and I watched a few reviews on Youtube from people whose opinion I trust. The general through line of those reviews was that this is an excellent album and the band’s heaviest since Train Of Thought. Okay then. Train Of Thought is my favorite Dream Theater album so I made the purchase.


Wouldn’t you know it waveriders? Those reviewers were right! Parasomnia is excellent from start to finish. And yes, I could immediately tell that Mike Portnoy was playing. He is a very distinctive drummer and since I’ve listened to a large amount of his work over the years when he bombastically arrives at 1:52 of the opening track “In The Arms Of Morpheus” it was like reuniting with a cherished friend. Actually, I’ll extend that simile to the entire band. It feels wonderful to reunite with all of these musicians. They meant so much to me for quite some time and every member is in fine form on Parasomnia.


Highlights you ask? Hard to say. I gleefully listen to the entire album without ever thinking I need to skip over a track. The first song with vocals “Night Terror” is superb. “Midnight Messiah” is crunch-tastic, and the epic on the album “The Shadow Man Incident” easily holds my attention for its full twenty minute runtime. I can’t ask for more and I feel bad for not singling out the other deserving songs.


In conclusion waveriders, Dream Theater has released an album which has brought me fully back into their warm progressive metal embrace. Parasomnia is exactly what I needed to re-energize my fandom. If like me you’ve been away from the band for a while take a listen to this album. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised. On the other hand if you’re someone who’s never left the fold, man this album is righteous! Am I right?!?!


