The Xroadie Files


Screaming Mad Dee- Voice, Willy Rivera- Guitar, Louis Strachan:- Bass, Jason “Mot” Waldmann- Drums


Watching From the Sky crunchy riffs pounding drums thumping bass with powerful vocals. Eulogy for Queen City (21502) psychedelic acid rock that just pulls you in. My Angel Comes Tonight close your eyes and let the memories flow. The Death of Ronnie M. hit the pit slam sweat thrash and tear it up. Lungful of Blood has a very Jimi Hendrix guitar riff that slowly builds as it pulls you along and kicks into overdrive. Ill Repute screaming guitars thundering drums pounding bass and amazing vocals. (Raising the) Chalice lost in imaginations and amazing musicianship with soaring vocals. To Stare Down God shred fist pump head bang and just let loose.



Jozey And The Corruption- Being Number 2 Sucks

Jozey – Vocals, Joey Fuego- Bass, Jerich-Oh- Guitar, M.B- Drums


I Am Rock fist pumping head banging play air guitar rock n roll. Grip sway groove and just let loose. Feed It is a very catchy tune that sticks in your head for day. Ghost will have the crowd on its feet chanting and just rocking all night long. Devil Gonna Win crunchy riffs screaming guitars pounding drums thumping bass and powerful vocals.



Mortalus- Three Times Louder

Bryan Bedgood- Bass/Vocals, Patrick Mahoney- Drums, Michelle Gann- Guitar/Vocals


Day Of The Dead screaming guitars thundering drums thumping bass and strong vocals. We Are Human crunchy riffs scorching leads pounding drums and thundering bass. Battle Born fist pumping head banging metal music. Here We Go crushing riffs hit the pit and mosh till you drop. Motobreath slam sweat and thrash .The Fixx is a heavy but catchy tune that sticks in your head. End This Pain will have the crowd onits fete rocking.



Les Brown- The Next One

Les Brown- Guitars, bass guitar, drums, synthesizers, samplers, effects


Picycle one strange musical mind trip. Jungle Night sway groove and just flow with the rhythms. Happy Malfunction lost in deep in imaginations. Martini soft melodies and memories. Bhajan clap chant and foot tap. Brain Goes For Walk dream a interesting musical journey. Hunting Creek Road interesting progressions pull you in. Daisy In The Wind dream the day away with many memories. Porro de Circo just let the music drag you into interesting places. Yeehaw! clap foot tap sway and groove. One More Thing strangeness envelops your very being.



Land Mammal- Emergence

Kinsley August - Vocals, Will Weise – Guitar, Phil Soapsmith – Bass, Bryan David – Drums


Doors To Reality lost in dreams and memories. Tear You Down sway groove clap and flow with the music. Emergence drifting in your imagination. Separation emotions envelop your very senses. Divide powerful majestic music pulls you in. I Am take one magical musical mind trip. The Circle soaring vocals crunchy riffs with solid rhythms. Transcendence pt1 close your eyes and let your imagination take you away. Transcendence pt2 lost in the depths of dreams and memories.




