The Xroadie Files

Grid -The World Before Us

Matt Habina – Drums, Dave Cohn – Bass/Synths, Brian Harrigan – Guitar/Vocals/Synths


Singularity close your eyes and drift. Our History Hidden lost in the depths of loneliness. Traversing The Interstellar Gateway fist pump head bang and just mosh. Contact one strange mind trip. Architects Of Out World darkness despair and madness pull you in. Duality drifting alone in darkness.



Waterworks Junction- Time Will Tell

Mike Ian – All Instrumentation/Vocals, Gab Howarth – Vocals, Guest artists- Rob Paparozzi – Harmonica, Billy Patterson – Harmonica, Tamara DeMent Gillece – Violin, Elizabeth Mendoza – Cello, Bob Ferguson – Trumpet, Nick French – Accordion/Vocals


Time Will Tell clap sway and just flow with the melodies. Something About You is a very catchy tune that sticks in your head. River Of Hope close your eyes and dream. West Texas Plains clapping foot tapping and singing with friends. I Go Knockin’ will have the crowd on its feet dancing. Renew My Faith lost in emotional memories. Waterworks Junction just some good old country music. And When You Fall memories bring back many emotions. The Promised Land playing guitar and singing with friends. This I Do Not Know the emotions come flooding back. Know Not a catchy tune that just pulls you in. You Come And You Go clap foot tap sing shout and just let loose. The Best I Can lost in emotions. Whisper Your Name melodies send shivers down your spine.



Shade Of Sorrow- Upon The Field Of Grief

Fernanda Lira – Bass/Vocals, Luana Dametto – Drums, Tainá Bergamaschi – Guitar, Jéssica di Falchi – Guitar


No Return crunchy riffs solid rhythms fist pump head bang and play air guitar. Blackheart lost in the depths of emotional darkness. Sorrowforger hit the pit and thrash about. Grave Digger madness envelops your very being. Blame pulls you into dark imaginations. Fabricated Hope shred slam sweat and just let loose. Meteor just take one wild musical mind trip. For The Pain I Belong crunchy riffs gruff vocals with eerie musical journeys. Fields Of Grief lost in the depths of despair. Teralehdet mosh shred and tear it up.



The Raveonettes- Sing

Sune Rose Wagner, Sharin Foo


Love How You Love Me take a trip back in time when things were simpler. Goo Goo Muck a catchy tune that sticks in your head. The Girl On Death Row lost in emotional dreams. All I Have To Do Is Dream one interesting version. Will You Love Me Tomorrow just let the emotions flow. Venus In Furs close your eyes and drift away. Wishing clap foot tap and sing. Return Of The Grievous Angel psychedelic pop rock. Shakin’ All Over one catchy tune that pulls you in. Leader Of The Pack one interesting cover version.



Ancient Fears - Where Their Worm Does Not Die and the Fires Are Never Quenched

Ryan Sweet Pickles- Guitar , Will Volkswagen - Bass/Vocals , Colin Pitchfork - Synth/Vocals , Michael Sledge Hammer - Drums


Trial To Fire darkness despair and madness envelops your senses. Vision Without Sight lost in strange imaginations. Evixcera pulls you into melancholic places. Pressed (Crushed By Stone) just try and survive the nightmare. The Drowning eerie tones envelop your very being. Unlord crushing riffs gruff vocals with dark imaginations. Serpents Become Clouds lost in darkness and melancholic textures.



