Freedom ★ Stay Free

3 years have passed since the Stockholm band's debut and I can safely say that in these 3 years no other album has been played so often on my record player or streamed in my car.


For me, the self-titled debut is one of the finest rock albums of the last 20 years! No discussion necessary!


That made me all the more excited about the new album.


The trio around mastermind Magnus Berglund has now grown into a quartet, which has done the sound even better and gives the songs more punch.


Despite this, every single song has retained its lightness - that "screw work - we're going to the beach, have a few cold drinks and stay there until the next morning" feeling!


Deeply rooted in the rock music of the 70s and 80s and best compared to early Springsteen, Tom Petty and Brian Adams in his prime.


Almost 42 minutes of playing time spread over 10 songs that sound honest and not polished. Songs that sound like a jam session of four friends.


"Stay Free!" might need 1 or 2 more spins on the turntable before the songs are completely drilled into your brain, but each song is a catchy tune that you won't be able to get out of your head that quickly.


This album puts a big smile on my face because it is exactly what I had hoped for!


Freedom are:

Mange Monroe - Vocals, Guitars

Matte Gustafsson - Guitars, Vocals

Magnus Lavér - Bass

Ola Göransson – Drums


-Helge Neumann
