Alright, the air of anticipation around me is so thick you
can cut it with a knife and it's very hard to contain myself. Why, you ask?
Well, one of my all-time favourite bands are back with a new album and a new,
expanded lineup, so naturally I am excited beyond words. Don't think there are
enough words in the English vocabulary to describe the level of elation surging
through my body and mind as I'm about to embark on the first journey through
Pale Divine's new creation, 'Consequence Of Time'. But before we take off
there's been a change within the camp, or rather an addition. This actually
happened shortly after the previous album, 'Pale Divine' was released with the multi talented Dana Ortt joining and now he finally makes his Pale Divine
recording debut, adding so much to the music with his singing and guitar
So, what is going on with ‘Consequence Of Time’? Well, first
of all it is Pale Divine at their finest. The music is so well rounded,
impeccable and perfectly executed while being so amazingly free-flowing,
unrestrained and experimental. Another rather important feature is the
partnership between Greg Diener and Dana Ortt. They take turns handling the
lead vocals as well as dueting and the same goes for the twin-axe attack. Like
Thin Lizzy for instance, they take turns firing off blistering solos or going
on mind-bending double runs. This alone has heightened the band’s sound
immensely. While all this is going on drummer Darin McCloskey and bassist Ron
McGinnis lays down a breath-taking backbone, solid yet imaginative, inspiring
and head crushing, which allows their guitarist friends the space and freedom
to play the way they do. Personally, I regard Pale Divine’s rhythm section as
the one of Marillion, where the excellent Ian Mosley and Pete Trewavas does so
much which is rarely mentioned.

‘Phantasmagoria’ is slow, punishing and full-on doom yet a
sense of floating in a serene state of being is juxtaposed making the song
soothing to me in all its darkness. Think old-school doom laced with trippy
undertones, in lack of better words. Regardless, a wonderful composition. The
title track, ‘Consequence Of Time’ follows and is by far the longest song on
the album, clocking in at over 10 minutes. Still it flows by quickly in all its
greatness. Kind of mid-tempo from the start but slows down almost halfway
through and everything grows dark…only to erupt into a stomping rocker. Oh and
the last three minutes, or so, are absolutely crushing! ‘No Escape’ is probably
the fastest song Pale Divine has released, bringing full onslaught from start
to finish. Greg’s singing is completely different as well. More raspy and in
your face upping the ante for sure. And, as throughout the album, the band
treats us to blistering solos. Excellent, truly excellent! ‘Saints Of Fire’ has
the honour of closing out this wax. It brings a little bit of everything of
what Pale Divine are while opting for a base of mid-tempo pace. The rest is
layered on top painting mind- and ear-altering images turning the song into an
amazing headtrip.
Pale Divine has done it again, dear waveriders. These guys
have such a high level in everything they do and they never stand still, which
is extremely apparent on ‘Consequence Of Time’. Also, they know how to
perfectly balance the sound they have created with the new avenues where they
now travel. As a fan of a band you can’t really ask for more. Every spin bring
new angles and twists and turns making this experience even greater and
endless…so allow me to sit back and let the universe of Pale Divine embrace me.
What a wonderful universe it is!