Swedish punkfucks Avd 5, who have been around since 1995
with a couple of breaks here and there, are back with a brand spanking new
album, 'Revir'. And man, these old farts still know how to tear it up. Full on
fury and onslaught from the word go and, personally, I wouldn't want it any
other way.
Going for a fast 1-2-3-4 in-your-face approach with
singalong friendly choruses and a mix of Motörhead and KSMB thrown in for good
measure. If you don't know who the latter are, I strongly suggest you check
them out. Having always been a political band which still remains, many songs
on here are instead highly personal coming from within, nurtured in minds still
tormented by crap from the past. And I really like that mix.
Starting out with 'Livets Hårda Skola' which is short, fast,
furious and angry, it tells about growing up and living in the school of hard
knocks. Next up is the equally fast and brutal 'Utanförskap'. Deals about no go
zones and how authorities have a completely different agenda towards those
living there compared to the rest of a community. '90 tal' is slower with more
hooks and is more singalong friendly. It's a composition about a decade, the
90s, which was formative for the antagonist, for better or worse, and shaped
that person immensely, while still paying for some things that happened back
then. 'Skuld' pushes up the tempo again with a nice dose of Motörhead, lovely
indeed! Living over your means at the mercy of credit cards, banks and money
lenders but this means living on borrowed time. Much sooner than later it all
has to be paid back but it all ends in murder! The riffs in the title track,
'Revir' ooze of Motörhead but I'm not complaining. This is about territories,
aka revir in Swedish, what's mine is mine, it can never be yours. Don't even

Niklas and Andreas, the duo which makes up Avd 5 has done it
again. They might take their sweet old time releasing new material but when it
is this good, time doesn’t matter. Personally it’s a joy to have them back
shaking, rattling and rolling while being very candid about the lyrical
content. Miss out on them at your peril, dear wave riders, cause this is the
Fy fan vad bra, gubbar!