“Hey Penfold. What
are you doing?”
“Nothing much. Just
thinking of running for office.”
“As in political office?”
“You’re serious?”
“You do realize that no one will elect you to any office,
anywhere, at any point in the future?”
“Don’t be ridiculous dude!
With a great catchphrase or tagline I could easily be elected to my
choice of public office. I could be
mayor. I could be the city dog catcher. I could be the President of the PTA. Why, I could even be a state senator!”
“Alright (heavy sigh and pause) let’s say that your theory
is true. What will your catchphrase be?”
“Glad you asked. I’ve
come up with a few easily digestible, yet highly provocative options.”
“Let’s just get this over with. Hit me with the first one.”
“Vote Penfold: Just For Fun.”
“No, I don’t like it.
Too frivolous. Times are serious
“Alright. Point
taken. How about this one? Vote Penfold: He’s Savage.”
“Savage? Towards
what? Failure to recycle? Kids not completing their homework?”
“Excellent point there smart aleck. Savage doesn’t go far enough. What about this? Vote Penfold: Eat The Poor.”
“Now I know you’re joking.”
“Can’t pull the wool over your eyes can I? Of course that last one was a joke! It’s preposterous!”
“Look Penfold, I’ve got to go so just tell me your favorite
“Very well. Buckle
your seatbelt because this one’s a wicked ride!
Vote Penfold: He’s With You From The Womb To The Tomb.”
“From the womb to the tomb?
Are you implying that once in office you’ll be transitioning from public
servant to dictator?”
“No! No, of course
not! Although…I did think of naming my
campaign bus the dictator ship.”
“Penfold, you’re an idiot.
Waveriders prepare your ears for a sonic assault of pure,
undiluted rock ‘n’ roll testosterone!
Yes friends, I’d like to introduce you to Dictator Ship. Anyone
already taking a testosterone supplement should consult a physician before
listening. Take proper precautions
people! Testosterone overdoses are a
real thing!

Dictator Ship
creates a deliberately vintage rock sound straight out of the late 60s/early
70s. Unlike many other throwback
sounding acts however, Dictator Ship
worships at different musical altars. My
ears immediately drew comparisons to the MC5 as well as The New York Dolls
instead of the typical Led Zeppelin or Black Sabbath. I’d also like to point out that the amount of
energy coming through the music is comparable to Motorhead. Point being these songs are fast, catchy, and
What’s my favorite song on Your Favorites? I don’t
know, all of them? Honestly from the
opening notes of “In The Heat Of The Night” to the final curtain call of “From
The Womb To The Tomb” I’m having an absolute blast listening! When I begin the album, I inevitably listen
to the entire thing in rapt attention.
Waveriders, in the spirit of Your Favorites I’m not going to let this review overstay its
welcome. Bottom line? I highly encourage you to listen to this
magnificent debut offering from Dictator
Ship. You will love every second of
their rock ‘n’ roll. I guarantee it.