Undesiccated are extremely prolific and productive.
'Periderm', their first full-length, is no less than their third offering in
2019. Not bad for a new band, especially since they have gone from strength to
strength with each new recording. As before, they unleash their botanogrind, a
blend of grindcore and hardcore with a strong botanical and environmental stance
spewed out with unrelenting fury. At the same time Undesiccated also weave
social injustice and war into the lyrics, which makes sense. I mean, if people
keep treating each other horribly, eventually Mother Nature will fare even
worse. So it's a very deft way to write songs, indeed. Also in line with the
titles of the previous two releases, periderm refers to plants. It is the
thicker outer layer which is mainly there to protect plants from injuries of
Whereas the debut, 'Xylem', was basically an out-and out
grind release, newbie 'Periderm' follows more in line with 'Mycorrhizae', the
sophomore release, which means a blend of grindcore and hardcore rubbing
shoulders with pure and total heaviness. Seven songs in just over 9 minutes is
“long” for a grind release but Undesiccated are not your ordinary grind outfit.
Having created their own unique take of the genre, botanogrind, which is one of
three parts, that sets this band apart from others. Another part is their
desire to not comply with the length of the songs, in other words, we do what
we want which in turn makes the band brave, open-minded and progressive. And
the third, equally important part, is that the lyrics are dual. What I mean is
that while just about all of them tells something about our plant system and
what that does for us and our planet, they also bring in tales of murder,
violence and war. Kind of traditional grind themes but here they are weaved
together with the environmental stance and that is thinking outside the box and
being progressive, if you ask me.

If the extreme side of metal music is your forte then don’t
miss out on Undesiccated. They are turning things around by breaking conventional
grounds and rules. All while highlighting the atrocities governments around the
world are unleashing on their people and the environment. Great music by great
people should be honoured, so join in and get them there!