When I was a kid, growing up in a house with Cat Stevens,
Neil Diamond, and Simon and Garfunkel, the first time I ever heard Kiss's
"Detroit Rock City,"
it was a moment of musical epiphany. It was just so vicious, aggressive and
mean. It changed the way I listened to music. I've had a few minor epiphany's
since then, when you come across a band that just brings something new and
revolutionary to your ears.
What have been your musical epiphany moments?
Growing up in a sheltered Christian home, much of my
earliest musical memories involved James Taylor, Ray Charles, and a vast
assortment of church music cassettes. Napster came onto the scene just as I was
entering Jr. High, and suddenly I had a window into the world of music
unfiltered by my parents.
The most thrilling discovery for me was the music of Rage
Against the Machine. I had no idea how much righteous power could be held in a
single guitar riff before I experienced “The Battle of Los Angeles”.
A couple years later, as a freshman in high school, I had a
similarly face-melting experience, but with a completely different genre of
An older kid told me a story of a pianist who memorized an
entire concert piece with orchestra, (sounded impressive to me), then proceeded
to play the first movement of Rachmaninoff 3rd piano concerto. The scale, the
drama, the beauty, and the insane technical mastery at work completely blew my
mind. I didn’t know something like that was even possible.
Since those moments I’ve been chasing ways to blend what makes
those two forms of expression great.

Often it’s a phrase, or a riff, that gives me a ‘feeling’.
Our experiences with music are physical, and I’m always searching for that
feeling. If a sound or an idea gives me that feeling, it’s like I uncovered the
tip of a sculpture and the rest of the process involves uncovering the
remaining elements related to that idea. Sometimes the process takes years and
connects ideas that were born in completely different times and places.
Who has influenced you the most?
That’s impossible to say… perhaps we influence each other in
the making of this music?
Where do you look for continuing inspiration? New ideas, new
There is so much great music and writing to learn from...its
endless. One technique we used in creating this new set of music was sampling
much older music. Music by Bach and Stravinsky.
Often, as an arranger, I want to write a counter line that
is completely new, but I have found much satisfaction in weaving already
existing melodies with our new music. As a result, we multiply the layers of
meaning available to the listener.
We're all a product of our environment. Tell us about the
band's hometown and how that reflects in the music?
David and I have known each other our entire lives and have
played music together since before we could speak. That musical friendship is
woven into everything we do.
We are always trying to point to something bigger than
ourselves. Whether it’s other people or a big idea, the music is never about
us. We hope it invites the listener into a broader reality...perhaps a greater
sense of the brilliance found in everyday existence.
You have one chance, what movie are you going to write the
soundtrack for?
The next Taika Waititi film. Jojo Rabbit was just
Bong Joon Ho’s Parasite is also an absolute masterpiece.

Nick Drake “From the Morning”..a stunning work of pure
beauty that was mostly ignored until 1990s car commercials brought his music to
wide stream appeal. Makes me imagine the accidents of history that are required
to make an artist or their work considered “great”...
Come on, share with us a couple of your great, Spinal Tap,
rock and roll moments?
We once had the power go completely out at a venue years ago
and, instead of walking off stage, we lit candles and continued the set
unplugged. To this day, we run into people who greet us with “hey I was at that
show where the power went out...” Glad we stuck it out that night!!