Ok, so...
Here goes...
After we got the van back in working order we headed
southeast to El Paso, Texas,
unfortunately skipping Bisbee,
AZ (due to our mechanical issues)
and some much needed tour funds.
I will say, on a side note, that our pal Mark the mechanic
only charged us $150 for an ENTIRE day’s work! We had talked to Midas before
finding the guy and not only did they say we’d have to wait till Monday, but,
as you can imagine, they would’ve charged us an arm and a leg.
I digress.
To El Paso!
So, firstly, Bekki has seriously hooked us up on the Airbnb
tip. My niece Jenna (who works in the hotel industry) also helped enormously
with some sweet accommodations. We only have had to sleep rough that one night
in the van.
In El Paso,
we stayed in a three bedroom house with a gated parking area—no humping gear in
and out of the joint. As a matter of fact, we haven’t had to do that once so
All of the places we’ve played have had secure parking
areas. What a relief!

The next day we head out to San Angelo, TX
and the Deadhorse. This time we share the stage with label mates War Cloud.
Before the show starts, we visit the local taproom for some local flavor. Yum!
After the show the attempted load out is sabotaged by a HUGE
thunderstorm! Thunder! Lightning! Giant, Texas-sized raindrops!
Next stop San
Antonio and The Guillotine. This time with Druids and
To be truthful, this series of shows were sparsely
populated. Playing dead last in new markets on weekdays is no picnic. Sold some
merch here and there and, hopefully made a new convert or two.
Paying your dues, for the millionth time (speaking for
myself), can be difficult on the psyche.
It is, however all part of the process.
Very important for growth.
Strength in the face of adversity and all that good stuff.
Baby steps.
The fact that these various other bands on the tour are
dealing with the exact same circumstances doesn’t get lost on me. We’re all in
this thing together.
That being said, everyone’s been super cool and
accommodating. We have met quite a few memorable locals, seen/heard some killer
bands, and that, (for me, at least) is a saving grace. And with the exception
of one show, we’ve walked away with enough gas money to make it to the next
We arrived at the hotel. Whilst I stayed behind to get some
much needed rest, the rest of the band journeyed into the belly of the beast.
Here we were joined by Aaron’s wife, Sasha who came out for a couple of gigs
and a wedding.

To the VERY few people who were kind enough to stick around,
we truly gave them a set to remember.
We absolutely crushed it!
Best performance so far, fo sho!!
We are now, on our way to Fort Worth,
followed by another stop in Austin
for a second and final SXSW show. This time we play in an earlier time slot on
a Saturday.
Fingers crossed!
On a personal note, I’m doing well. Sleeping so so. Until
last night my voice (and to a lesser degree, my playing) has been spotty. Vocal
cords masticated by acid reflux. Started taking Tums yesterday and, voilĂ ! All
gone. Haven’t drank much. Been hydrating best I can. I hate drinking water, you
see. Can’t stand the taste.
Anyways, everyone seems to be holding together ok. A few
minor dust ups here and there, but nothing major.
Fort Worth,
here we come!!
Much love and respect,
Gee Double Yoo