The heavy three piece rock band Lord Vapour was formed in
November of 2014 in Guernsey... For those of
you who don't know, Guernsey is an island in the English Channel off the coast
of Normandy...
Consisting of Joe Le Long on Bass & Vocals, Henry Fears on Guitars and
Christian Mariess on the drums, the band quickly released a self-titled demo of
three superb tunes on Bandcamp... This was when they fell under my radar!!! I
loved it and couldn't wait for more of their heavy riff rock!!!
Lord Vapour toured extensively on their home turf in 2015,
and also found time to record their debut album "Mill Street Blues"
at Tardis Studio in just 2 days time!!! About 7 months later, in May of 2016
they would finally release their debut album... It hit me like a freight train
on the very first listen... It also surprised a few people in the hard &
heavy rock world and took number 37 on the Doom Charts in their Best Of 2016

Opening up the album is the addictive Burning Planet, which
is also the lead off single... Next up is The Spice starting out with a
Sabbathy bass intro that just launches into guitar head heaven!!! The third
track, Through The Doors Of Kukundu is a previously released track from January
of 2017... Then on to the back half of the album for more heavy riffage on
Semuta Music & The Mothership Connection (my two personal favorites) and
then closing out this monster of an album with Nasubi!!!
This killer no holds barred guitar extravaganza of hard rock
& heavy psych is a fine addition to their catalog!!! I know it's been
blasted through MY Skullcandy several times the last couple of days!!!
-Rock Man & Mercy 12/18