Alright, Flummox from Murfreesboro,
TN is a strange but wonderful
band that I became acquainted with when their first full-length, 'Phlummoxygen'
came out back in 2014. Their new amazing EP, 'Garage Prog' was officially
released on June 24th 2017. In between, two singles and a second full-length
has seen the light of day. On this new recording Flummox has grown from a trio
into a quartet with new drummer Alan Pfeifer joining ranks along with second
guitarist Justin Smith. But this has not altered their quirkiness whatsoever.
Instead, more dimensions have been added to their one-of-a-kind sound which
heightens their greatness further. As heavy and metal as they can be, Primus
has seeped in to the sound way more than before and I love it. And this is
guiding the band closer to creating their own music. Best of all is that
Flummox doesn't give a fuck! Don't you just love that attitude? I sure do, even
more so when you deal with deep-South free-thinkers with talent to match.
Colours from the entire palette are used in this awe-inspiring work of art
which brings Flummox to the very front of new innovators.

If the powers that be within music actually focused on real
bands, creating real music, Flummox would be mega stars by now. As we all know
though, those powers that be only go for the quick dollars and peoples blatant
laziness, so the real bands out there rarely – if ever – get the attention they
deserve. Flummox is a truly amazing band who deserves world recognition and
‘Garage Prog’ show how they go from strength to strength with each release they
put out. Thank you for introducing me to the world of Flummox, guys!
Band Photo Credit: Personal Bliss Photography