I first took notice of Ripple Fest when I
became a new Ripple writer. You could certainly say I was stoked to hear about
Todd and his wife coming to Stockholm to
be a part of the first Swedish Ripple Music Fest.

The weather of the evening was pretty bad but me and some friends were hanging at
another bar close to Copperfields. The rain was pouring outside the window
but I couldn’t care less. After all it
was the perfect doom-weather! The only thing missing was some thunder and
lightning, but that came later when the bands got onto the stage. More on that
As always it’s nice to hook up with some old
friends to talk about the good music. Some friends were at the Sisters Of Mercy
gig before they arrived at Copperfields. I had a
really nice chat with them. Thanks boys!

The whole event was like a homecoming party
for me and many well known faces like
Magnus from Into The Void Podcast, all the bands playing, and the many people from
other bands also there. I took the opportunity to say hello to Todd but he
was a busy man the whole evening so I didn’t speak that much with him. Maybe
next year?
Some new people showed up and said hello and I enjoyed it a lot.
I missed a huge part of King Nomads
performance. The part I heard I thought was good but nothing exceptional. I
didn’t think the heartbeat of the record,
which I think is awesome, came out the way I wanted it to be live. But hey, that's
only my humble opinion. Though I didn’t
like it as much as I could have I’m thinking of seeing them perform again.

When Vokonis entered the stage well past midnight I was both excited and nervous at the same time. Would the live
performance match the record? And what if it did not? All my worries were blown away
as the band started to play. This is how music is supposed to be. Amazing vocals,
excellent drumming and a fantastic bass player with an intensive way of playing
who I admire very much. The riffs are like a thunderous storm, sometimes hammering down your ear canal and sometimes whispering. I rode a wave of emotion throughout the performance. This was one of the epic moments people are going
to tell you about when Vokonis grows bigger. This band has the brightest future
ahead of them and it’s so well-deserved!