'Winds' is the first single from Nights upcoming album 'Raft
of the world' which will be released through The Sign Records and it invites
the listener to embark on a new ferocious yet melodic rock 'n' roll journey.
This is a song that generates an almost ecstatic feeling from the beginning to
the end, and it shows you how the band, after a couple of line-up changes, has
developed a more organic, rock-based sound - without leaving that catchy
guitar-driven, steady paced and heavy hitting sound that is known as Night.
"This song is about the modern man, living in a shallow
and stressful society where money corrupts everything. The blind leading the
blind, collectively chasing "the dream" which probably never will
become true anyway. The lack of connection to nature and all beings equal right
to existence have persuaded humanity to believe in its own immortality
throughout the ages, and today our civilisation is literrally standing on the
edge of its own demise. Mankind and the man-made society is definitely not
indestructible and that's a uncomfortable truth to bear in mind times like
these. We want to give you a first glimpse of the soundscape and lyrical theme
which is following sort of a thread throughout the whole album. The crossroad
is near..." - Sammy Ouirra, Night
The album is recorded, produced and mixed by Ola Ersfjord
(Tribulation, Dead Lord, Lizzies, Honeymoon Disease) and co-recorded by Linus
Lundgren (Nocturnalia) at studio Ganymeden in Linköping, Sweden
during October 2016. Mastering was done by Chris Common (The Mars Volta,
Chelsea Wolfe, Mastodon) The artwork is made by Mattias Frisk (Ghost, Vanhelgd,
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