What's going on waveriders?
Today I want to quickly touch on a band whose music hearkens back to
albums I spent a great deal of time listening to in the late 1990s and early
2000s. The albums I am referring to go
by the titles Undertow, Aenima, and Lateralus. Yes my friends, I
am an entrenched fan of the band Tool
and I miss them. Therefore my ears
seriously perked up when I came across the band Source and their new album Return
To Nothing.
While this band does have their own musical identity there
is no denying how much Tool has
influenced their sound. The bass is
front and center in the mix with the guitar primarily serving to add muscle and
atmosphere. Propulsive drumming anchors
every composition while predominantly clean vocals soar over hook filled
choruses. All of the songs purposely stretch
their legs over predetermined twists and turns which lead back to each track's
central theme.

Well waveriders I think that just about covers it. If like me you are still enamored with the
sound associated with the band Tool
I strongly recommend Source and
their new album Return To Nothing. On the other hand if you don't really care
for Tool then I recommend Return To Nothing as a fine example of
progressive metal which does not fall into the category of pointless technical
exercises. Take a listen and see if you