While out
west we are getting pounded by massive amounts of snow, here in the mystical
land of bandcamp we are getting dumped on by a blizzard of riffs and grooves.
Take a gander at another smoking round of bonanza picks by yours truly. Record
snowfall in January out west equals record riffs on the Richter scale in
bandcamp land.
Pulgasari – Bang, Bang (My Baby Shot me
We all love
a good cover, and when a retro hard rock band covers a classic by Sonny Bono
our interest is piqued. Pulgasari nail it on the title track making it sound
their own and giving it an invigorating makeover utilizing their potent skills
of heavy retro blues.
absolutely scorching pair of tunes rich with somber tones, dynamic riffs and
solos drowned in heavy blues. Vocally, Pulgasari shine with a paralyzing
delivery both sensuous and spooky. Fantastic prelude to a hopeful album
engrossed with retro Swedish texture while simultaneously bursting with a
sultry outlaw swagger
Topplock – Boogie Till You Barf
While we’re
at it might as well share another smashing 2-song single. First I’ve heard of
this band and an instant vinyl seek and destroy on my end. This promises to be another
outstanding effort in the Swedish retro scene. Keep your eyes on this band.
This serves as prelude to their upcoming debut full length album called
‘Overlord’ which is available on vinyl for pre-order at numerous locations. I
found on Amazon.
The Swedes
are back at it drinking their holy water. It's obviously spiked with retro
groove, heavy bluesy riffs and soul-soaked power vocals. They just keep
drinking it and continue to set the bar for heavy stoner blues rock. Immediate
google search led me to preorder of their debut full length on vinyl due out in
February 2017. Another one bites the dust.
Lord Vapour – Through the Doors of Kukundo
Lord Vapour
are back with a brand new track that will rock your world. While their haled LP
released last year is undergoing the final vinyl treatment due out for release
this spring, the band has already got a new LP in the works. If this track is
anything to go by we can expect great things for album number 2.
the Doors of Kukundu you will find a super bluesy number, overgrown by eminent
fuzz, strangled by psychotic solos, and reeking of Rawk and mother fucking
Roll! Can't wait for the next album.
Kings Destroy – None More

Diana Spencer Grave Explosion – 0
This one was
discovered via another bands ‘recommendations’ link on their bandcamp page. At
the moment I’m struggling to remember the band that recommended this band
probably due to bandcamp overload, but either way, this is one cool ass little
release I highly recommend checking out.
riffs floating in atmospheric texture numbing the mind and creating a sense of
euphoric chaos. The spine tingling groove transitions seamlessly into angst
ridden passages swirling with psychedelic solos of the highest caliber. Prepare
to lose track of time and space.
Blood Mist – Blood Mist
Last but not
least I bring you a new band on my radar called Blood Mist. We were sent the
promo copy which passed the test hiding within all the extreme death/black
metal promos we get throttled with on a daily basis. Out via Grimoire Records
based in Baltimore, MD and
specializing in black, death, doom, stoner, thrash-metal, math/noise and
post-rock bands based in the mid-Atlantic area. Blood
Mist delivers in the stoner doom sector of the labels roster. I instantly fell in love with this upcoming
album and recommend you check this out as it is surely going down as one of the
underdogs. Act now to get in early on a not to miss gem being released on
February 10, 2017 on CD for a measly $7. That’s equivalent to a coffee and a
Danish only these riffs are unlimited in supply both via your unlimited
bandcamp app and in physical form to jam in your car on the way to the office.
stoner riffs meet gargantuan metallic groove with vocals spewing violent Danzig tones as the rhythm devours with intensity.
There's no escaping the Blood Mist. This is rad!
-The Huntsman