Have you ever listened to music that a lot of people love
and not understood what all the fuss was about waveriders? I can tell you this happens to me
frequently. But what about this
situation? Let's say you dismissed a
band or artist after hearing some of their work which did not agree with your
eardrums, yet when you listen to that same artist years later you have an
altogether different reaction. You get
it! These songs sound great! This happens to me too, so without further ado I'd like to write a little
something about the band Deerhoof
and their latest album The Magic.
Back in 2011 I heard Deerhoof's
Deerhoof Vs Evil and I didn't make a
connection. I bounced off that album...hard. To be perfectly honest based off of my
reaction I completely dismissed Deerhoof
and didn't look back until very recently.
While cruising for new tunes that perked up my ears I thankfully landed
upon The Magic. Seconds into the first track I knew this was
a ride I wanted to take. You know what
they say folks. Time changes a
person. Well, consider me a changed
I'm not about to shout to the heavens that I cherish Deerhoof's entire catalogue but I
absolutely love this album! It's melting
pot of punk rock with flourishes of electronica, thick bass-heavy grooves, alternative
rock, and Talking Heads-esque melodies is positively infectious! The songs twist and turn in all kinds of
interesting ways, keeping the listener attentive and on their toes for the
album's entire forty one minute run time.
The Magic does not have a song
which can be singled out as the weak link.
Due to that fact I cannot actually tell you what my favorite track is
because I don't have one. What I can do
is steer you towards the songs that you will find most enjoyable.

Waveriders I'm not the man I used to be. Once upon a time Deerhoof produced music I did not connect with, but The Magic has drawn me into the
light. This album is nothing less than
tremendous! When you're on the hunt for
something interesting and fulfilling to listen to this music should be your
PS: Would you look at that?
I made it through this entire review without yielding to my base desire
to describe this album as magical!
Aren't you proud of me?