June 2014 changed my life
within the music sphere drastically. A duo from Moncton,
New Brunswick in Canada blew my mind wide open and
altered the way I look on music forever. Yes, I am of course talking about the
mighty Zaum and their amazing other-worldly debut, 'Oracles'. They are
now back with their sophomore release and I couldn't be happier. Although that
worry bomb feeling sneaked in: "can they build on the debut and move on
even further", there was no need at all for me to doubt Messieurs McDonald
and Lewis. The world of mysticism and grandeur they created on the debut is
still here but so much more expanded. All your senses are treated to an
experience it’s hard to put words to but I’ll do my very best. As great as ‘Oracles’ is, ‘Eidolon’ is even better and that is no mean feat. It takes certain
musicians to pull off something like that and Kyle and Chris are those musicians!
Never ones to do anything
half measured, Zaum put “only” two songs on ‘Eidolon’.
Both are truly epic compositions clocking in at just over 41 minutes. From the
moment ‘Influence Of The Magi’ opens
the gates to the magical lost world inhabits, and all the way until ‘The Enlightenment’ closes the book for
now, I am lost in a meditative, trance-inducing state of mind having been
transported to a world of true wonder. Cleansing and cathartic as well as
healing, no one can as for more in music.

All of a sudden I find
myself thrown into the center of the protagonist and antagonist of Zaum’s
wonderful storytelling. Smells, visions, sounds and colours are amazingly vivid
and as real as they possibly could be. Even though I see the real world around
me while listening, the band holds their grip tight on me and as despite some
frightful situations depicted within the story, I don’t want to let go. Please,
let me stay in ‘Eidolon’!
Looking back in time,
there are so many great albums, from all kinds of genres, that have hit home
deeply with me for different reasons. Those are the ones I still go back to for
guidance, to get inspiration, to feel better. You name it. ‘Eidolon’ has joined this fantastic group but in a way I’ve never
experienced before. As mentioned above, I am transported to a world that is as
magnificent as it is fearsome and still I don’t want to leave! The total
experience of this album is beyond words even though I’ve tried to do it
justice. And I am so thankful for the opportunity to take part in what Zaum is
doing. Because…this duo is something else!