I always thought that once you reach the age of 35 or so, it
seems rather ludicrous to have a “favorite band” – it's akin to having a “best
friend”. When you reach a certain age
it becomes less important to rank
different aspects of something you enjoy.
It's like when someone asks what my favorite color is - “I don't know –
Jets green? Periwinkle? Can't I like several colors a lot??”
Then today
I found myself messaging a friend whose band headlined over AC/DC in the 70's.
As I pumped him for information about the late Bon Scott, I added, “you
know AC/DC are my favorite band, right?”
And he responded, “Yes, you're always wearing their t-shirts”.
Well yeah
but I have a Lemmy/Motörhead tattoo
Damnit AC/DC
are my favorite band.
When I tell people how much I love the band, they
immediately start singing “You Shook Me All Night Long” or “Back in Black” in
the Brian Johnson throat-ripping scream.
I love, love Jonno – but there always will be a special place in my
heart for Ronald Belford "Bon" Scott. To me, he was the epitome of what every real
rock star should aspire to. His lyrics
had that intelligent but sly sexiness without having to come out and say
anything pornographic (Hello “The Weekend” - take notes). Just look up the lyrics for “Dirty Deeds
(Done Dirt Cheap)” for example:
You got problems in
your life of love
You got a broken heart
He's double dealin' with your best friend
That's when the teardrops start, fella
Pick up the phone
I'm here alone
Or make a social call
Come right in
Forget about him
We'll have ourselves a ball
You got a broken heart
He's double dealin' with your best friend
That's when the teardrops start, fella
Pick up the phone
I'm here alone
Or make a social call
Come right in
Forget about him
We'll have ourselves a ball

And my balls are
always bouncing
My ballroom always
And everybody comes
and comes again
If your name is on
the guest list
No one can take you
Everybody says I've
got great balls of fire!
If anyone else had come out with lyrics like that they'd be
laughable. But it so suits Bon.
It wasn't all about that though, Bon was the rock star for
the every-man. “Down Payment Blues” is a
clever wordplay about the dichotomy of being an internationally renowned rock
star but still being broke as fuck.
Sitting on my sailing
Sipping off my
Suzy baby all at sea
Say she want to come
Feeling like a paper
Floating down a storm
Got myself a sailing
But I can't afford a
drop of rain

Maybe Bon had said all he had to say? Maybe he just needed
to pave the way for honest, simple rock n roll bands like AC/DC to come through
and rule the charts after the pretentiously keyboard laden prog rock reign of
the 70's? No one can answer these questions.
But we will always have the iconic image of Bon, with his impossibly
tight flare leg jeans and denim vest, opened to show his hairy barrel chest as
he belted out another song from the very depths of his core, a sly smile on his
face and a wink in his eye.