Listen to "Gates Of Winter" at THIS LOCATION.
As winter begins to rear its icy head in the Northern Hemisphere, the mythologically-inspired, blackened-doom quartet hailing from Bloomfield, Indiana known as Thorr-Axe have been busy preparing for the release of their sophomore album with heavy riffs, hikes through the frozen woods, playing shows including a recent opening slot for Weedeater, and getting named best unsigned band in Indiana by metal blog Toilet Ov Hell. The "cold, frosty doom” act is a raiding party comprised of four guys with a mutual love of heavy music who belch forth tales of dragons, wizards, frost giants, and vikings putting axes through people's skulls. A party of the blackest kind, which the Sleeping Shaman once referred to as “a crushing rifforama that boldly sets all axes to bludgeon-mode,” and every metal head with a black heart and a wry smile is invited.
"If you don’t know what Thorr-Axe sounds like yet, imagine if Skeletonwitch and Twisted Tower Dire had a love child together who grew up to be a bit of a stoner who loves Pentagram."
- The Toilet Ov Hell
CD preorders of Gates Of Winter are available now right here:
Thorr-Axe is:
Tucker Thomasson: Guitar/Vocals
Mitchell McKinney: Guitar
Garrett Daniels: Bass
Jacob Lett: Drums/Vocals