Sunlight and Dust may be the most provocative 24 minutes of
music you hear in a while. Well I guess I speak for myself, but Blue Black Hours, like a host of bands I
stumble upon these days within the online environment, inebriated my senses with
a stunning mixture of hazy psychedelia and rhythmic progressive metal. Being
only 4 songs in length I’d say this is an excellent EP. Upon further glassing over on their bandcamp
page I found they’d released a full length back in 2012 which turns out to be
no slouch either. I would argue this EP
is stronger, but you be the judge.
They are both ‘name
your price’ to download via your favorite file format and add to your
collection. So what did I do? I donated on both to keep
my collection chalked full of
nothing but the best and most stand out releases in camp.
Blue Black Hours
puts their own stamp on Detroit's
rock roots with its heavy progressive tendencies treading into Roger Waters
depths and leading towards a sort of occult/psych/stoner alley. Make sense?
Probably not, I'm just typing as I'm listening and regurgitating images
flashing in my mind as I listen, as I do on most my reviews. This isn't my
first listen however. I listened to this on repeat all afternoon at work which
indicates the impact this EP had on me.
Lyrically the album has an astronomical vibe, as does the cover
art. Illusions of spiders falling from the sky, nightmares, dragons, sailing
ships and sinking seasons, make up a baseline which is saturated with swirling
psych riffs generating a whirlpool of ecstasy. The continuously haunting
atmosphere creates a sense of comfort while ghostly fuzz splatters the
I can't get enough of this one and urge the general populace
to give it a shout. Although if you’re reading this, odds are you aren’t the
general populace. You are in fact prime candidates and seasoned veterans in the
underground musical community. If you’re new, come on in, we welcome you with
open arms and ears. You can't afford not to grab this album at that price on
bandcamp, and for those who haven't noticed yet, the free mobile bandcamp app
now supports streaming of any and all available albums within the campground in
full from your mobile device without requiring a purchase. No ads, no popups,
and no subscriptions, other than the price to feed your addiction and grow your
collection. Go now, get a listen in a let us know what you think!
-The Huntsman