I had the pleasure of talking with Wendy Dio, who is working closely with the Brittany foundation for dog rescue in California. Her passion for the animal world is well documented. Her celebrity status enables her charity work to be enhanced by some of today's top Hollywood and rock stars. People like Slash and John5. As the wife of the recently passed metal icon, Ronnie James Dio, it was interesting to hear her talk about their shared passion for animals, his life, and his legacy.
How Long have you been involved with the Foundation?
About 4 years on and off. It's California based this particular one. I am involved in lots and lots of charities. But this particular one is a good one. 100% of the proceeds we raise go to the charity. The founder, Nancy, is a fabulous woman. She takes all of what we would call un adoptable dogs. Ones that are too old,incontinent,or they would need medications. There are others that are too vicious to be in a home but no reason to be put down. There are adoptable dogs too but a lot of them are ones that no other shelter wants.
Cats too?
No. No cats in this one. But I have others I am a big cat lover myself but with this charity, just dogs.
How many pets do you own?
4 cats, 1 dog, All scruffy things that came from the shelter.
I know slash donated a guitar to the foundation..
Yes he did. He is such a wonderful person. He is always donating things to all my charities.
How Many other artists are involved?

Dio was obviously a part of this
Yes he was. One of his last appearances actually in October, he passed in May. He came up to sign autographs and help raise money.
A lifetime with Dio throughout all of his career. What is your fondest memory?
Oh My goodness. There are a lot...the fondest memory?....spending Christmas when he was home with all the family. His family and my family.
Any possibility of a movie or a book based on Dio's life?
I'm finishing his book. He had written about 3/4 of it. We have a publishing deal, but it's been hard to sit down and finish it. My goal next year is to finish the book. We have started to film a documentary. Not sure how long it will take. We want to do it right.
Anything you would like to tell people about why animal rescue is so important.
An animal is life. And people before they adopt, should think twice. See is they can take care of the animal for the rest of its life. Nothing worse than tossing out an animal because it is old, sick, or you can't afford it. Like humans they do get old and ill. These are things you take a responsibility for when you adopt. Pets are always pleased to see you when you come home. They are just happy souls.
If you would like to donate or help contact:
The Brittany Foundation
P.O. Box 738
Acton, CA 93510-0738
Phone (661) 713-5240
Fax (661) 554-0220
Facebook: www.facebook.com/Brittany/FoundationAnimalSanctuary