Curse of Disobedience - S/T

A while back I wrote about the deep south, home-brewed heavy metal of Arise Within.  Kinda spartan, kinda raw, but when they hit their groove, pretty damn effective.  "Black Pearl" made it's way onto the Ripple Effect sampler, and sat well with the other heaviness.

Well, turns out that guitarist Paul Hill has another band, one based in Texas (not his native Mississippi) and rather than being a two piece like Arise, here we got a full-fledged outing.  Their new disc popped into Ripple a while back, and somehow immediately got misplaced under the unslaught brought in by Postman Sal.  But ReverbNation has several tracks that are worth checking out.

Plying a more doomy end of the metal spectrum, Curse of Disobedience is a more fleshed-out venture than Arise.  The sound is fuller, thicker, and more menacing, and benefits from a fuller production.  I've always been a fan of D.I.Y ethic music, and these guys got it going in spades.

"Letting Go" is pure post-Sabbath doom, haunting and mesmerizing.  The vocals of David Hernandez are perfectly Ozzy-ish, while Paul's guitar has more room in the expanded arrangement to distinguish itself.  This is halloween doom, and perfect for scaring the kiddies.

"Tooth and Nail" rides a damn impressive opening riff with a gutsy industrial tone before locking into a steady groove that should appeal to any doomster.  "Fist of Rage," also shows off the gutsier production to good effect, pounding out loud and heavy and full, with some searing guitar licks tossed in.  Overall, each track benefits not just from being heavy, but from having some significant melody as well.  A plus for any metal album.  

The band has 3 albums done now.  There's a 2-CD Curse of Disobedience set out there, and the self-titled and Reflections albums are available on Amazon and iTunes.   Their new album, Reborn should be heading there soon. 

Doomy and metalic.  Thick and heavy.  Worth Checking out.



Anonymous said…
I'm the guitarist. There is 5 C.O.D. albums. Self, Reflections, Reborn, Beginning of the Curse and 3rd Revelation.