Something strange happened to the Pope on the way to . . . well, wherever the hell it was he was
going. Really not sure if this story is as strange as Pope typing in third person,
but work with me here . . . it’s been awhile since I’ve written about a piece
of music.
So, here it is . . . a metal band out of Finland that’s
combining the death ‘n’ roll, grooved out fuzz of a band like Transport League
mixed with the detuned and distorted tones of Bloodbath, but playing it with a
hardcore punk attitude. It’s blackened metal, but not black metal. It’s deathly
metal, but not death metal. It’s kinda’ sludge-y, kinda doom-y, but much more
up tempo and violent. Extreme metal, for sure. And, quite possibly the most
interesting blend of metal that I’ve heard in a long, long time.
A Phantom Pack of Black Hounds (yeah, it’s a mouthful) have
no official physical release, but they have a bandcamp page that y’all can go
to and support the boys. Four songs are available for name-your-price download,
so do them a solid and give ‘em a buck or two when you download the material .
. . they’re working to get an official album out and need all the help that
they can get. I’ve already requested the release be on vinyl. Hey . . . I have
my needs!
Anyway, to the music . . . as I mentioned, there are four
songs available, all of which are awesome! “Give It A Push” has that Sarke
meets Transport League meets Bloodbath grooving onslaught going on. I love the
way these guys change tempos and add interesting guitar licks in the middle of
the chaos. A little gang vocals add to the intensity of this tune, and the lead
vocals actually make my swollen tonsils feel good . . . I mean, that’s some
blood curdling shit! And the guitar solo! Holy style and class, Batman! The
whole band works in perfect unison on this one . . . keeping things generally
simple, but adding incredible points of interest to give a three and a half
minute song monster dynamics.
All four songs on the bandcamp page have the aforementioned
vibe going on . . . in every track, there’s something unique and ear catching
going on. “Living Token” has a brief Slayer-esque moment before the guitars
soar to the heavens and the vocals take on a volatile hardcore slant. Speaking
of vocals . . . this dude can belt it out like a veteran. To the point, the
vocals start taking on a life of their own, becoming part of the sonic
background while the instruments are cutting ears to shreds.
“Flesh Revolt” is a headbanging, horn waving festival of
debauchery. Great musicianship, fucking awesome guitar licks and breakdowns . .
. possibly my favorite tune so far, this tune is one of the more dynamic
tracks. Bile spitting vocals, chugging guitar riffs, roiling and toiling
rhythms, “Flesh Revolt” blows my mind. Watch out as we get towards the end of
the tune and the boys drop from 5th gear to 2nd, sludging
and trudging our way through a land of devastation. Love it!
Finally, “Drewerstone” is a senses shattering, haunting
creeper of a tune that’s no less rocking than the rest of the representatives
of this download. Gothic-like in its darkness, a little reminiscent of Enslaved’s
Isa before it explodes into a furious fight between two rabid wolverines.
Chunks of fur and flesh flying through the air amidst a spray of crimson . . .
fuck it . . . A Phantom Pack of Black Hounds. These guys are awesome and I’m
hoping some of these great underground labels take a chance on ‘em. As I
mentioned, I’m in on the vinyl release!