The Icelandic origin of Mammut combined with Kata's startlingly original lead vocals will bring every reviewer at some point to make an off-the-mark comparison to Bjork. Yes, Kata inflects her vocals with a freakishly dynamic range, and punctuates her singing with a generous dollop of vocal hiccups, coos, and spasms. But that’s the point where all comparisons should end. Referring to Mammut’s music as being even remotely related to Bjork brings an unbearable disservice to the creative, dramatic, and stunningly punchy post punk odyssey that Mammut and their listeners embark upon.
And that’s what Karkari is. An odyssey. A journey. An epic voyage past the point of no return, where the flat earth ends, and the gravitational field melts away. A place where a lesser ship would lose its way, journey off course and careen off the edge, plunging into the deepest darkness of the abyss. But not Mammut. Comprised of three guys, three girls, all between 19 and 24 years of age, Mammut are stunningly experienced navigators, plotting a course through these dangerous waters with an eye always on the horizon. Through the stop-start, twitchy time changes, megalithic swirling psychedelic flourishes, and haunting post-punk sensibilities, Mammut never lose sight of their destination. Karkari is that most remarkable of all albums, one that reveals itself in a totally unique light with each listen. Lush and melodic one time, surging and angular the next. You can take the Mammut journey endlessly and still make it home a different way each time.

What "Endir" brought in pure unflinching abandon, “Geimpra,” brings in a disjointed Bauhaus-esque fury of darkened beauty. Stark, at times discordant, Siouxie has fled to Iceland and is having the time of her life. Large, funky bass combines with staggering, chunky riffs. Scintillating guitar echoes and dances, the whole song swirls and revolves, elevates and ascends. At times familiar, at others completely alien to these U.S. bred ears. Either way, it’s remarkable. An atmospheric dimension unfolds graciously at the wave of Marmmut’s collective hand. Never does the album fail to capture the imagination, exploding with an infectious charisma.

Don’t let the Icelandic lyrics detour you from taking this journey. Kata's voice wrapping around her native tongue has a profoundly powerful, near hypnotic effect. The starkness of the syllables lends itself to the cooing, creating an otherworldly effect. A brimming passion burning through the golden melodies that still rings out clear and accessible. A uniqueness to the journey that is totally foreign to my ears. It’s a mesmerizing effect, wholly organic and real. I doubt I’d enjoy this album one billionth as much if it was sung in English. But as it is, sung entirely in Icelandic, Karkari has already earned its place on my Top 10 list for 2009.
This is an album the world need to hear. To savor. To absorb.
I’m onboard the Mammut voyager. I don’t know where I’m going. I don’t know where I’ll land. But nothing on this earth will get me to step off.
Mammút - Svefnsykt
The Face of Melinda | MySpace Video