Right out of the gate, Damn MiXXXer grabs the attention with “Worst of It” remixed by Jon Clayton of Pitchshifter. Heavy, foreboding, and brimming with scalding amounts of tension, this tune is a great transition from the original mix of Damager to this more industrial metal sound. As the bass rambled and rumbled out of the speakers, I voiced a quiet prayer that they hold together for just another hour. My prayers must have been answered because the speakers made it through the entire album, though what they have left in them is still in question. My point? Make sure your sound system can withstand an onslaught of low end for maximum listening pleasure. As the tune grooves through four plus minutes of industrial tinged devastation, I noticed that this interpretation was working my abs into shape. Involuntarily swaying with the rhythm, my abs began protesting against this additional morning workout. Definitely heavy, unquestionably moving, “Worst of It” immediately made me rethink my earlier position on the whole remix thing . . . bring on more of the Damn MiXXXer!
As we make our way through this musical side street, take note how the various producers come in and throw in additional beats in a measure, and with the turn of a studio knob, add textures that create an almost different mood entirely. “Looking for Them,” tackled by Virus from the band Dope, has less of a club vibe than most of the other tracks, but the effects that he pumped into this are frickin’ awesome. The guitars come in beefy and playing a more staccato riff than on the original, played over a haunting synth melody, which gives the tune a completely new vibe. The way Virus managed to create such dynamics through this tune is amazing! The vocals layer upon themselves, the music suddenly stops, then everything explodes into a brilliant ball of sound. “Looking for Them” is one of the highlights on this disc. Is it better than the original? Man, y’all gotta’ be the judge on that. I’m just reporting on what I’m hearing and it’s like I’ve been beamed between the Enterprise and Malcor III on an empty stomach. My mind is spinning through this entire experience as my world has been absolutely rocked.

I’m not going to say I’m a convert to the whole remix album thing, but I certainly will never simply dismiss the format again. The renditions of these songs definitely add a new layer of dimension to the music. The heavy metal intensity is still there and the overall message of the music shines clear, but what’s been added is a new groove, a rhythm that creates a different element to the overall sound, and an accessibility that could lead to hip shaking acceptance from the masses on the dance floor. Also, I found that I had a different attitude while I had the music bursting from my car speakers. The sound practically enveloped me and had me becoming one with the groove. My foot steadily increased its pressure on the gas pedal, I leaned back a bit more suave than usual, and I damn near had a cockiness to the way I weaved in and out of the morning traffic. Listening to Power of the Damn MiXXXer could lead to problems with fellow commuters, but frankly . . . I don’t give a shit. I’ve got the Power . . . Power of the Damager. Er, Damn MiXXXer. Ah . . . whatever. I have both! - Pope JTE