So to make up for having the world's dorkiest car, I blew out the stereo and blasted the world's coolest music. When my friends were just beginning to listen to Journey, I blew their minds with UFO. When they finally opened their ears to AC/DC, I stunned em into submission with Saxon's Wheels of Steel and The Angels. I frightened their bowels into permanent paralysis with the first Iron Maiden platter. It became known pretty quickly, that if you wanted to know where the cool music was, you searched for that damn ugly, bright red, puttering Fiat. You'd usually find it off to the side of the road, with me under the hood.
I only wish Dirty Power had been around back then.
Blasting a retro-seventies, straight-up hard rock vibe through the forethinking minds of the current day, Dirty Power is one hellish, full-on assault of scrotum kicking rock and roll. Listening to these guys, you can almost see the extra-sized band posters taped up on their bedroom walls like a shrine. And they're all there. UFO, KISS, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Lizzy, Motorhead, and a nod to the prime madness of Nugent. Trying to describe these guys to the Pope one day as we lazed in the Ripple office, the best I could come up with was; these are a bunch of guys who believed that behind the make-up and explosions, KISS could actually write some kick-ass songs. So they went back to that period in time before the disco balls and glittering costumes, distilled the best and brought it kicking and screaming into the modern day. And God Bless em for it. See, I'm one of those guys too, you can play "She," for me any day and I'll argue it's merits with the best of em.

"Asthma Pimp," harkens to shades of UFO with it's stop-starting riff and beautiful guitar interplay breaking up the end of the choral verses, and it's Schenker-styled solo. This song truly defines the Dirty Power sound. Dirty: mean, malicious, and mighty unclean, yet wielding the power to levitate my poor Fiat right off the ground. A non-stop blast of classic hard rock.
"Hey Superman," one of the album standout's follows a big chiming guitar, big-chord, intro right into a top-drop out, leaving only the bass and drums verse. What follows is a vocal performance for the ages, soft and smooth building to a perfectly impassioned pitch. Without a doubt, the boys listened to their KISS records well, cause this could shift effortlessly into any best of Paul Stanely and the boys compilation. Influenced, but not derivative, the song packs a double closed-fist worth of power even though it technically never really moves beyond it's mid-tempo speed. Show's you that the power of song is in passion, intent, and honesty, not necessarily velocity.

And the album goes on from there without ever pausing to catch its breath all the way to its raging closer "Gone." "Drag You Down," is just one fucking scandalous spit in the face, played at hyper-velocity and packing a mightier punch than Tyson in his heyday. All without ever losing enough melody to allow it to slide down the gullet. "Tastes Like Burning," another highlight brings on a fucking nice dual guitar intro before dropping it all down into a grinding groove. "Dirty Power," sums it up best. Over a driving bass and beating drum, the boys sing their mantra. "I just want to get drunk/and spend the night on the floor." Like KISS's "Rock and Roll All Night," every band needs to have a song that sums up their message, and there it is. Drunk and sleeping on the floor. Probably in a pile of their own vomit, but ready to go at it all over again in the morning. Unpleasant, dirty, and fucking rock and roll.
Nothing on this disc is new, but really, should it be? It's rock and roll. It's violent and angry and charging and intended to scare little children. This is outcast rock and roll, buried somewhere off the mainstream. We're not figuring out how to slice bread for the first time here, we're pumping adrenaline into male veins, kids who drive around in fucked-up, ratty little FIATs but frighten the pretty ones at school more than some perfect-haired boy jock listening to his STYX CD's ever could. Dirty Power are a band that could've even made that FIAT of mine cool.
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