First, we're thrilled to have new associations with two big websites, carrying Ripple reviews, news and new articles. The first is Jemsite, home of the famous guitars, who've started a new blog to which we'll be contributing new articles and stories of interest. You can find them at www.jemsite.com and check out the community blog. Lot's of cool information there. Our first original article is already up with more to follow.
Second is our new association with Guitar World, the leading guitarist magazine. You'll find a steady feed of Ripple information over at their blog news area, which also feeds into Revolver Magazine and Indie. You can check that out over at: www.news.guitarworld.com.
More good stuff? We have more exclusive tour content coming. Besides the amazing array of french avant-metallers Hypno5e exclusive tour updates, we're expecting any day some exclusive updates from Vanessa Kafka's tour and a few other bands we won't name until a future date. All very exciting stuff.
But perhaps the biggest change coming our way involves the ever-popular, listener-friendly Ripple Radio Show. Due to overwhelming demand from our listeners (OK, from our wives) Ripple Radio will go weekly in the near future. We'll keep you posted on the actual date, but with all the great band interviews, unheard music, and guest bloggers we want to feature, bi-weekly shows just weren't enough. Again, we'll keep you updated on the date, but expect April or May for your weekly dose of the Ripple Radio Rampage. And don't forget, every show is available for free podcast download. Just click on that funny little Blogtalkradio button to the right and it'll take you right there.
There's also some REALLY big Ripple news coming your way soon, information of epochal significance (at least in our world) but we'll save that for a later date. Got to keep you guessing!
Until then, keep on rippling!