The Wisers claim that they hail from "a dirty and chaotic southern Italy town, where they hang out and trash television all day long, pizza, ‘o sole mio, rednecks and hopping mad people. Bottle up, shake and get ready to the explosion! We’re just another bunch of fuckin' snots rioting against the routines of our lives with the only weapon we know: loud Rock'n'Roll!"
Just about sums it up. What that description doesn't tell you though, is that these boys are freaking good! And like so many other great bands these days, they're making their album available for free download for all comers.

"Let it Go," is another standout track. Opening with a deep bass groove, menacing in its simplicity, sinister in it's attack, the band jumps in, guitars blasting in like shotguns and drums being beaten like they owed the mob money. This is another rocket blast of high energy, punked up garage rock, sounding like something from the best of the Ripple favorites, The Thieves. Big bass hooks, great vocals, and a melody that just slays em dead. There's no other way to describe it but say that this one's a winner. I bet it's a crusher live.

Which brings up another thing, genre-fying the band. Certainly, there's a punk vibe here, laced with big pop hooks, and swathed in big garage brush strokes. In my mind this is the new generation of powerpop, following hot on the heels of the godfathers like Paul Collins. But if the boys seem a bit too punky for you to accept that label, let's try something new. They got power, they got big punk chops and pop hooks. I'm going for power punk, and I'm sticking with it.
But whatever you decide to call it, call it something, because what the Wisers are doing is too good, and too much fun to be ignored. "The Less You Know, The More You Live," sits comfortably next to "Where the Bright Lights Bloom," from The Thieves or Attack Attack UK's debut offering. Spirited, energetic, and nicely executed. This is great cruising music, with the top down or the windows open, sun beating on your skin. Life is good when the tunes are fun. And remember, it's all available for free download or you can support the band and pick it up off of itunes.
Or you can do what the Pope and I are planning, popping on over to Italy and checking the boys out live. A glass of chianti, some southern Italian sun and the Wisers. Sounds like heaven to me.
Buy here:Hangin Around