Regulars to Winston’s Zen will have already heard a thing or two about indie-rock four piece The Screening, who turned my head earlier this year with an electrifying performance in front of a die-hard following for Club Fandango at London’s 229. With a slew of new tracks set for release (more about that later) including a six track EP scheduled for August the Leicester boys have kicked off their plans for imminent world domination with this download only double A-side.
And what a way to get started. With God Save The Queen and A Modern Day Guide To Mediocrity the lads have served up two healthy courses of Grade A gourmet indie-rock. Irresistibly strummable guitars perfectly accompany likeably dry lyrical witticisms, “I love you in the morning, then it goes away”. Fevered drumrolls add bite to chant-along choruses and life affirming harmonies and the result may put you in mind of Maximo Park at their best, or The Enemy on ether.
So what are you waiting for? Get onto the bands MySpace now to book your download.
The band have recently played supporting slots for Lightspeed Champion and The Subways and Winston’s Zen is reliably informed that there are upwards of fifteen, (yes fifteen!) brand new tracks in the can, and once the previously mentioned EP is out there are plans to release a new single once a fortnight from September to December. See what I mean about world domination?
It would seem The Screening have been busy, Winston’s Zen is delighted to reap the rewards of their hard work.
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