As is the case with most of the material coming from the Prosthetic label, Book of Black Earth is extreme metal with a touch of musical virtuosity. Dense walls of sound build the core of the songs and those walls are constantly chiseled away by swirling guitar and keyboard passages, and metalized riffs to perk up the ears of the most jaded of old school thrasher. Lyrically, Horoskopus deals with organized religions, specifically Christianity, and the inevitable end of days in darkened overtones. Repeated references to the blackening of the sun and the religious right being blatant liars, gives this listener a good idea of where these cats sit come Judgment Day.
From the opening instrumental epic of “2160,” you can easily get the sense that something big and important is about to go “Ka-Thud” in our laps. Guitars grind away at a nice mid tempo pace while the high hat crashes in time. The entire tune patiently builds up itself, drum upon drum, riff upon riff, until the last sustained notes burst into “Death of the Sun.” That aforementioned wall of sound practically blots out the sun on its own, but ultimately, guitars break though the din with classic old school speed metal riffs. There’s just enough mid tone to those guitars to shed a ray of light, no matter how thin it is, to the darkened bombast of the rest of the instruments. Note the riff towards the end of the tune as the sustained guitars return to build that much needed tension before bursting into a classic head bobbin’ groove. Dynamics, baby!

Book of Black Earth simply master the art of heaviness with “Cult of Dagon.” This tune is downright creepy, what with its clean toned guitars and ambient textures cutting through the plodding dirge. Agonized vocals pour from mouth of guitarist/vocalist TJ Cowgill, as he belts out the empowering lines of, “There is no God like the will of my own.” Take what you’d like from it. Personally, I think it’s some pretty powerful shit. Eventually, the tune picks up the tempo and the intensity as everything kind of just opens up. More space for the individual instruments to breath, more dynamic performances from the musicians. “Cult of Dagon” is as epic as metal gets.
Mixing sheer brutal riffage with melodic passages of guitar work, “Funeral of Peace” shows more of that dynamic songwriting that Book of Black Earth do so damn well. “The Darkest Age” is a double bass drum, riff heavy frenzy that shows that oh-so-perfect touch of technical know-how to add key points of interest. Musically speaking, “From Heaven” gets damn near melodic as the lyrics draw comparisons to the church’s worship of Christ to the ancient Egyptian worship of the sun. “The Great Year” continues with that lyrical concept and just runs with it. These concepts are nothing new for anyone who’s studied world religions with an open mind, but imagine thrusting these beliefs in the face of a Christian gathering. These lads would be drawn and quartered, tarred and feathered, and burned at the stake . . . all at the same time.
Unrelenting, unapologetic, unabashed, and unfettered, Book of Black Earth practically hand deliver one of the most impressive extreme metal albums to bludgeon my ears. Again, hat’s off to Prosthetic Records for finding yet another multi faceted extreme metal band. Book of Black Earth are outrageously heavy, extremely intelligent, technically gifted, and have the uncanny ability to use the right amount of melody to create a wondrous palette of sound. Horoskopus is the bands second full length album (first with Prosthetic,) which intrigues the hell out of me. What does the future hold for these guys? Yeah, I know . . . only time will tell. But damn! What a way to kick things off! Fortunately, I don’t have a plastic appendage hanging from the side of my head, and I can truly enjoy this album with the ears that I’ve been given.
-- Pope JTE
Buy here: Horoskopus
-- Pope JTE
Buy here: Horoskopus