Now that the Pope and I are nearing our one year anniversary of random Ripple madness, we just wanted to update all our loyal waveriders of a couple of new and exciting additions to The Ripple Effect.
First and foremost, as many of you already know, we've started a 90 minute Ripple Radio Show over at Blogtalkradio.com which we're currently broadcasting live every two weeks on Wednesday, 9-10:30 pm, Pacific Standard Time. We've done four shows so far and all those shows, plus all future shows, are available for free download over at Blogtalkradio, simply by following the link button over there on your right.
The show has already proven to be more fun for us than any two humans should ever have without a bottle of Crisco, and we hope to keep making it better. Starting with our next show, we're going to start a regular guest rotation of all our favorite music bloggers and website runners, giving each of them 15 minutes and three songs of their own choosing to Ripple to the world. How much fun will that be? Yes, that's right all your favorite music-minded folks, Layla, Bob Vinyl, Metal Mark, The Guru, The Madhatter, Rhode Island Rock, Metal Minute, Ray's Realm, and too many more to mention (we'll pretty much try to get everyone on the waverider list to the right with lots of different music, like Powerpopaholic and Stereocupcake), jumping onto the radio with us and blasting out their three tracks that they feel most need to be heard by the world. Tune in every other week to see who the next guest is and which tracks they'll choose.
Second bit of big news (big at least for us) is that we've finally moved beyond our 3 times a week publishing schedule. Since we started, our first priority, besides finding great new, unheralded and lost classic music to share with you, was to do that regularly. We decided that 3 times a week, rain or shine, tornado, hurricane or earthquake, we were going to post a new Ripple find for you. Well, two things have happened to make us re-evaluate that. First, we got too much music to share with you. At the simple rate of 3 times a week, we'll soon be booked up until 2014 on reviews. Also, lots of bands have asked us to do an interview with them, and our prior structure really didn't give us much leeway in making those interviews happen.
So, some of you may have already noticed, we've added Sunday posts, and soon will start a weekly, "Sunday Conversations With--" column, bringing in our favorite bands to share their insights with you. We're also going to shoot for an additional day of reviews.
Now all we gotta do is give up the day jobs and make all that happen.
Anyways, thanks as always for all your support and friendship. We really wouldn't be doing all this if it wasn't for you. And as always, if you know a band that deserves to be Rippled to the world, let us know. I'll sic the Pope on it pronto. He's got sharp pointy teeth and he loves to get his jaws into some new sounds.
Love your show, looking forward to more!
Barbara / Guru - big bad no-no to Racer. He was supposed to keep the "lid" on the whole Crisco thing. Now we're gonna' be all paranoid about some sort of wacky intervention thing. But thanks for caring!