I arrived at Brick By Brick in my typical early fashion. Hanging out with my fellow King’s X fans at the front of the venue, acting as tour guide for the nearest 7-11 and then being offered a beer for my services, and spreading the rock n’ roll cheer like some deranged, malnourished, and out of season Santa Claus. Recent renovations to the club caught my eye. Folks were chillin’ at an outside patio bar, which seems completely posh for Brick By Brick’s storied and sometimes sordid past. I’m good with the changes though. It shows that the current ownership cares about upgrades and being around longer than tomorrow night’s gig. On the plus side, this venue has always been a good place to catch a live jam and toss back a frosty.
I psyched myself up all day for this gig. Not just for the headliners, but the openers (of whom I had never heard of before,) and also the venue itself. Brick By Brick could be categorized as a dive bar by some, so I had to mentally prepare myself for the assault on my senses. My memories of this joint are as follows: Walking through the doors into a room that is completely dark except for the stage lights and occasional neon signage, navigating through the darkness by touch, feel, and a healthy reliance of the sixth sense, being assailed with the smell of sweat and the aroma of stale beer that soaked into the carpets. Inadvertently making eye contact with a dude who could wrestle a bear with one arm tied to his leg. You know . . . the typical place where lives are lost and no one notices. Well . . . it seems that those cosmetic changes on the exterior of the place made their way to the interior as well. I’m not gonna’ say that Brick By Brick completely overhauled its appearance, but it smells a whole lot better in there.
The bear wrestler, however, is still there.

Special props go to Magsino’s tight rope act as, at one point, his sheet music fell to the floor, and without a missed beat, he casually glanced at the floor to find his place. As if that wasn’t spectacular enough, his glasses, too, fell to the floor at the end of a sweet ass solo and he seemed unfazed. He strategically positioned himself over the fallen spectacles, and as the song came to a more standard rhythm, he simply played the notes with his fret hand, stooped down to pick up the glasses and re-position them back onto his face. I mean, c’mon! That’s unreal! At the end of the set, I approached Czajkowski and said, “I came for King’s X and I fell in love with Hectic Watermelon.” I thanked the guys for an awesome set and made a mental note to find out when they’re playing again. If y’all get the opportunity to check these cats out, I highly advise it. You don’t need to like jazz, jazz fusion, Japanese fusion, or whatever. You simply need to like music, and these guys will alter everything that you thought you knew about the art.

The boys brought a ton of energy to “Black Flag” before playing another new tune in “Pray For Me,” which had a great sing along and enough bounce to open a trampoline factory. Ty sang a beautiful rendition of “I Don’t Know” and a few songs later, Jerry sang the lead to the saccharine sweet “Julie.” As King’s X neared the end of the night’s set, they played the fan favorite trio of “Summerland,” “Looking For Love,” and “Over My Head.” “Looking For Love” had me jumping out of my skin and Ty’s solo in the breakdown of “Over My Head” was sheer brilliance, as he tapped the emotional vein and threw it all out there for us to digest. I would have been happy if the show had ended at that point, but these guys weren't quite done yet.

It was all about the music. I never once got the sense that the band would have rather been somewhere else. I felt that these three stellar musicians were on that stage, playing their hearts out, regardless of how crappy they may have felt, because they love music. They love to create and perform the music, and they do it with a love and respect for their fans. If only we could all feel that way about our jobs, huh? Through one of dUg’s traditional soulful diatribes, he mentioned that we were part of the church of rock n’ roll, and that we had just been baptized. If that is the case, then I’ve been baptized by Reverend’s dUg, Ty, and Jerry numerous times in the past, and there must be something in that water, coz’ I keep coming back for more. It kind of makes that earlier comment of selling my soul seem a bit more blasphemous, but I think y’all get the point. I’d drop what I’m doing right now just to see them perform again. King’s X are just that good of a band! - Pope JTE
As for whether or not he's sang lead before, this is the first time that I've seen it. Any other King's X fans reading this, please feel free to chime in. Curious minds and all.
Is that Jerry Goodman entering the stage at the end of the "Hectic Watermelon" clip?