Yes, you can feel it . . . can’t you? There’s that something in the air. Yeah, it’s spring, but that’s not all. No . . . it’s not air pollution, though that too is in the air. It’s something . . . new. Like something that you’ve been waiting for all winter. Like some sort of new hope. C’mon, you’re Waveriders . . . what else could be new in the air? There’s a ton of new music soaring across the airwaves, and I don’t know about you, but I’m damn hopeful!
In past episodes, I’ve mentioned upcoming releases from some of the Ripple favorites in King’s X, Kataklysm, and Opeth. So, I’ll bypass those bands for the time being and focus on some fresh stuff that’s just bubbling under the surface of the mainstream or stuff so deep in the underground you’d need a miners lamp to find it. Ha . . . just call me the Spelunking Pope!

Speaking of prog, Dimaension X has an album that they’ve made available for free download. In fact, all eight of the Dimaension X albums are downloadable, so check ‘em out. If you’re a fan of metal with a symphonic slant, well . . . why haven’t you clicked over and started perusing the music? Keep an eye out for a feature review of their latest release, I Am Become Daevel, in the very near future. www.myspace.com/dimaensionx

Out of L.A., we also have the metal / hardcore monster of Flatline preparing for their new album, Pave the Way. It’s being released by Stand and Deliver Records on July 28th. From what I’m hearing, the tunes will appeal to any metal head who is a fan of anything ranging from the groove of Pantera to the vicious beat down of Hatebreed. Yeah, wide range, but these guys have the fire. www.myspace.com/flatlinemetal

Our favorite spaced out rockers, Farflung, are hitting the Euro highway and playing some gigs in Holland and Germany. Though they don’t have any info posted on their page, I’m sure they’ll be more than accommodating with the info if you ask nicely. That’s what I did. www.myspace.com/farflung
Ex-Bongo’s frontman, Richard Barone will be doing a promotional jaunt for his book, Frontman. He’ll be appearing at the Los Angeles Book Festival on July 12th. Racer and I have confirmed that we’ll be in attendance. www.myspace.com/richardbarone
Stateside, there are two package tours that might interest the Waveriders. One being 3 . . . huh? One can’t be 3. No . . . the band, 3. They’re on The Progressive Nation Tour with Dream Theater and Opeth. You haven’t heard 3? Oh man . . . you are missing out. They are so freaking out there that you can’t help but love them. Go to their page and check out some of their stuff. www.myspace.com/3 The other tour that might be of interest is The Mayhem Tour. I mention this one mainly because of Black Tide. These kids have embraced the metal of my youth and given it a swift kick in the ass with their youthful exuberance. Yeah, some of it’s been done before, so what? They’re young, they’re having fun, and they’re creating music that has more balls than the majority of the stuff bogging down the airwaves. www.myspace.com/blacktide

Pop-punksters, I Am The Heat, have released their debut 5-song EP, The Future Doesn't Need Us. Another candidate for the feel-good song of the summer, "What Would Lou Reed Do," should be the soundtrack at endless pool parties all season long. Check it out at their myspace page, www.myspace.com/iamtheheat

Until next month, Ripple on, Waveriders!
Great new discoveries for me to digest!!