Hey, hey Waveriders! Welcome to the third installment of all that I’ve heard during my journeys through Myspace. There’s quite a bit going on out there, so grab your cup of java, sit back, and read on.

We heard from reliable sources that the Melloboat Festival put together by the wonderful people at Mellotronen, and held over the weekend of March 8th & 9th, was a successful endeavor. Remember, this was the floating music festival that featured the fabulous talents of Opeth, Katatonia, Trettioariga Kriget, Anekdoten, Leaf Hound, Bo Hansson, and the legendary Comus, to just name a few. Hopefully, they’ll be able to it all again next year, and even more hopefully, The Ripple Effect will see fit to send this music starved writer to cover the event for a field report. www.myspace.com/melloboat

In the last episode, I mentioned that Kataklysm’s new album was set for release in May, and now the Northern Hyperblasters have accommodated their fans with a sneak preview by posting the new track, “The Chains of Power.” It’s positively brutal! www.myspace.com/kataklysm

Mos Generator are taking their fuzzed out stoner vibe and hitting the European highways through the month of April. You lucky Euro fans, you! They’ll be returning to the states in May . . . not sure if they’re planning any more gigs for later this year. But as soon as I hear something, well . . . I’ll let you know. www.myspace.com/mosgenerator

There are a couple of quality releases floating around out there that we’d like to point out. First, for those of you who love to rock, but also want something that will get you moving on the dancefloor, bop on over to www.myspace.com/rediclan and dig on the Red i Clan's electronic blend of Korn style metal, hyped up with jungle/bass'n'drum beats. To celebrate the release of their debut album, Killohead, the Red i Clan boys are offering free downloads of their first dancefloor/metal single, "Jack the Sound." While you're there, check out the other songs on offer, "Arsenal," and "Superstar." They’ve already made the big leap from the Killohead CD to the Ripple ipod, which says a lot for where we value these guys. Talent to burn. We're expecting big things from them in the future.
The second is from the lovely and talented Tiffany Apan. After being yelled at by countless metalheads, it was refreshing to listen to her rich vocals as she soothed us to a sweet come down. Her album, Poet, is a vocal driven disc that flutters around the “beauty and beast” style of symphonic metal, but never becomes as bombastic as that genre can get. Magical and uplifting, this album will do nothing but enrich your spirit. www.myspace.com/tiffanyapanmusic
Speaking of spirit enriching music, word has it that The Dooberies are writing for their second album. Word in cyberspace has it that there is going to be more guitar and less harmonica than on Omens. As long as lead vocalist Georgie Butt is writing the way she did on the previous effort, it should be another enlightening piece of music.

The CD release party for Braintoy’s first full length album was held on April 2nd and from what we've heard from The Braintoy boys, it was a massive success, filled with tons of Braintoy fans, here and forever after to be known as "Brainheads." If you haven’t picked up a copy of Vehicles yet, you’re being silly. We’ve been hyping the hell out of it, and we’re being told that we’re not hyping it enough. See? Go on, get outta’ here and buy it already! www.myspace.com/braintoy

Word has come down for the soundscape artists, Dream Aria, that their new album is nearing completion. We don’t have a release date yet, so hold onto your magic carpet. You’ll know as soon as we do. www.myspace.com/dreamariacanada

Experimental black metallers, Enslaved are in the process of mixing their next album and it should be ready for our ears near October. Hee hee . . . that’s an exciting tidbit! These guys are getting better with every album, so this next one oughta’ be awesome. www.myspace.com/enslaved

One last heads up for ya'll is the fine acoustic, soul-flavored pop coming to us from Ron Greene. His new album, Sketches has just been released and its a pleasing blend of acoustics and his deep rich voice. The overall sound reminds me of artists like Jeffrey Gaines or one of my favorites, Roachford. Most of the songs are inspiring, uplifting and just downright beautiful. Check it out at www.myspace.com/rongreenetunes
Finally, Racer and I want to take a couple of minutes to thank you, the readers, the Waveriders, the bands, blogs, and labels for your continued support. We do The Ripple Effect because we love music, and we have fun sharing the music that makes us happy. The end of April will have seen The Ripple up and running, officially, for six months, and we’re blown away by the response from y’all. Thank you for being a part of our lives and allowing us to be a part of yours.
Best successes!
Pope JTE and Racer X

We heard from reliable sources that the Melloboat Festival put together by the wonderful people at Mellotronen, and held over the weekend of March 8th & 9th, was a successful endeavor. Remember, this was the floating music festival that featured the fabulous talents of Opeth, Katatonia, Trettioariga Kriget, Anekdoten, Leaf Hound, Bo Hansson, and the legendary Comus, to just name a few. Hopefully, they’ll be able to it all again next year, and even more hopefully, The Ripple Effect will see fit to send this music starved writer to cover the event for a field report. www.myspace.com/melloboat

In the last episode, I mentioned that Kataklysm’s new album was set for release in May, and now the Northern Hyperblasters have accommodated their fans with a sneak preview by posting the new track, “The Chains of Power.” It’s positively brutal! www.myspace.com/kataklysm

Mos Generator are taking their fuzzed out stoner vibe and hitting the European highways through the month of April. You lucky Euro fans, you! They’ll be returning to the states in May . . . not sure if they’re planning any more gigs for later this year. But as soon as I hear something, well . . . I’ll let you know. www.myspace.com/mosgenerator

There are a couple of quality releases floating around out there that we’d like to point out. First, for those of you who love to rock, but also want something that will get you moving on the dancefloor, bop on over to www.myspace.com/rediclan and dig on the Red i Clan's electronic blend of Korn style metal, hyped up with jungle/bass'n'drum beats. To celebrate the release of their debut album, Killohead, the Red i Clan boys are offering free downloads of their first dancefloor/metal single, "Jack the Sound." While you're there, check out the other songs on offer, "Arsenal," and "Superstar." They’ve already made the big leap from the Killohead CD to the Ripple ipod, which says a lot for where we value these guys. Talent to burn. We're expecting big things from them in the future.


The CD release party for Braintoy’s first full length album was held on April 2nd and from what we've heard from The Braintoy boys, it was a massive success, filled with tons of Braintoy fans, here and forever after to be known as "Brainheads." If you haven’t picked up a copy of Vehicles yet, you’re being silly. We’ve been hyping the hell out of it, and we’re being told that we’re not hyping it enough. See? Go on, get outta’ here and buy it already! www.myspace.com/braintoy

Word has come down for the soundscape artists, Dream Aria, that their new album is nearing completion. We don’t have a release date yet, so hold onto your magic carpet. You’ll know as soon as we do. www.myspace.com/dreamariacanada

Experimental black metallers, Enslaved are in the process of mixing their next album and it should be ready for our ears near October. Hee hee . . . that’s an exciting tidbit! These guys are getting better with every album, so this next one oughta’ be awesome. www.myspace.com/enslaved

One last heads up for ya'll is the fine acoustic, soul-flavored pop coming to us from Ron Greene. His new album, Sketches has just been released and its a pleasing blend of acoustics and his deep rich voice. The overall sound reminds me of artists like Jeffrey Gaines or one of my favorites, Roachford. Most of the songs are inspiring, uplifting and just downright beautiful. Check it out at www.myspace.com/rongreenetunes
Finally, Racer and I want to take a couple of minutes to thank you, the readers, the Waveriders, the bands, blogs, and labels for your continued support. We do The Ripple Effect because we love music, and we have fun sharing the music that makes us happy. The end of April will have seen The Ripple up and running, officially, for six months, and we’re blown away by the response from y’all. Thank you for being a part of our lives and allowing us to be a part of yours.
Best successes!
Pope JTE and Racer X