What a cool album!
I’m excited about this one because, quite honestly, I didn’t expect much. I didn’t expect much because I’m not generally a fan of the power pop genre. And with that, Article A may have just exposed me for the ignorant swat that I am.
Stay Now is the debut album from this power pop, pop punk outfit from New Jersey, and if they can carry the strength of this album into their future offerings, Article A may very well blossom into a household name. The songs are infectious, melodic pieces of art that make it almost sound fun to have ones heart broken.
The lead track, “What’s the Point?” is one of those songs that’s destined to be on the radio. It opens with a fuzzed out guitar riff and the vocals have that kind of punked out vibe before they simply soar through the chorus. If you’re not bouncing along to this song and singing along at the chorus, then odds are you have no soul. Yes. You are a soulless child of the dark if the springs in your ass don’t have you bopping along with the rhythm of this tune. Should be a chart topper if people will take a moment or two listen with open ears.
The rest of the tracks range from poppy punk out bursts to sentimental mid tempo ditties, but what they all have in common is melody for days. Go ahead and let yourself go. Sway to the groove of “My Dedication” and “Find A Way.” Both tracks will have those hips moving back and forth, gyrating in a manner that you never thought you had in you. “Oh Yeah” and “My Way Back” have a more aggressive, up tempo punk vibe going on, but ultimately comes back to great multi-layered vocal harmonies at the chorus.
“When You’re Gone” is the closest thing that Stay Now offers as a ballad. Just as we’re thinking that we’re going to be cried to sleep, the boys of Article A throw in another great hook at the chorus. These guys are damn good songwriters, and I stand by my earlier statement, in that these guys could have the same successful careers as recent blockbuster hit makers like Matchbox 20, or the more entrenched veteran acts like U2. Along with the solid songwriting, these guys are good musicians. The vocals are sentimental without being sappy. The guitar and bass work in conjunction with each other and add their own textures. The drums pop as if they were tiny firecrackers in my speakers. The performances on this disc are damn near flawless. How much of that has to do with production editing is beyond me, and quite frankly, something I don’t care too much about. The music sounds good . . . the music moves me . . . that’s really all that matters.
I’m excited about this one because, quite honestly, I didn’t expect much. I didn’t expect much because I’m not generally a fan of the power pop genre. And with that, Article A may have just exposed me for the ignorant swat that I am.
Stay Now is the debut album from this power pop, pop punk outfit from New Jersey, and if they can carry the strength of this album into their future offerings, Article A may very well blossom into a household name. The songs are infectious, melodic pieces of art that make it almost sound fun to have ones heart broken.
The lead track, “What’s the Point?” is one of those songs that’s destined to be on the radio. It opens with a fuzzed out guitar riff and the vocals have that kind of punked out vibe before they simply soar through the chorus. If you’re not bouncing along to this song and singing along at the chorus, then odds are you have no soul. Yes. You are a soulless child of the dark if the springs in your ass don’t have you bopping along with the rhythm of this tune. Should be a chart topper if people will take a moment or two listen with open ears.
The rest of the tracks range from poppy punk out bursts to sentimental mid tempo ditties, but what they all have in common is melody for days. Go ahead and let yourself go. Sway to the groove of “My Dedication” and “Find A Way.” Both tracks will have those hips moving back and forth, gyrating in a manner that you never thought you had in you. “Oh Yeah” and “My Way Back” have a more aggressive, up tempo punk vibe going on, but ultimately comes back to great multi-layered vocal harmonies at the chorus.
“When You’re Gone” is the closest thing that Stay Now offers as a ballad. Just as we’re thinking that we’re going to be cried to sleep, the boys of Article A throw in another great hook at the chorus. These guys are damn good songwriters, and I stand by my earlier statement, in that these guys could have the same successful careers as recent blockbuster hit makers like Matchbox 20, or the more entrenched veteran acts like U2. Along with the solid songwriting, these guys are good musicians. The vocals are sentimental without being sappy. The guitar and bass work in conjunction with each other and add their own textures. The drums pop as if they were tiny firecrackers in my speakers. The performances on this disc are damn near flawless. How much of that has to do with production editing is beyond me, and quite frankly, something I don’t care too much about. The music sounds good . . . the music moves me . . . that’s really all that matters.
Stay Now is a fun listen and deserves the attention of more people than just me and the bands friends. It very well could sit on the top of the charts with it’s catchy, non-vanilla blend of rock. Real music being written and performed by real musicians. What a novel concept! Thanks for a fun listen, guys! - Pope JTE
Buy here: Stay Now
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