A Fistful Of Questions With Benji Straker From Gnarwhal


     Guitarist.  Vocalist.  Drummer.  Killer#2!?  This edition of Fistful of Questions goes out to Gnarwhal guitarist Benji.    


What is your full name?


Benji Straker


Do you have any aliases?


No but most people who know me just call me, Benj. Mark our vocalist has the best alias - “Killer”


If you had an alias what might it be?


Killer #2


What bands are you actively involved with?


Gnarwhal (guitarist), and my solo alt/acoustic project, Hughes. I’m actually playing bass in a one-off band for a big Emo Night show this summer. We’re called Ptarmigan Archery.


What was the first instrument that you played?


Probably my mom’s acoustic guitar, piano, or ukelele. We always had instruments around the house growing up. My mom played a lot and encouraged me to have fun playing.


Tell me about one of your first musical memories?


I have memories of mom strumming guitar or playing piano and singing at home. I grew up hearing that a lot. She was into classic country and folk, and also played a lot of classic church hymns.


What was the name of the first band you were in?


Neon Meat Dream


Tell me about the genesis of Gnarwhal. 


Mark (vocals), Jer (bass) and I were offered the opportunity to sublet a jam space in a storage unit. This was during covid, so there weren’t a lot of things to do during that time given that most other activities were canceled, and there was a “bubble” in effect only allowing small groups to gather. We had all been involved in various bands and musical projects, but none of us were currently committed to anything musical. So we started hanging out there, playing covers, drinking beers, with just the intent to have some fun messing around. Over the course of that first year, we started to write a few originals. When Layne (drums) joined the band a few months later, things really came together and we decided to be a ‘band’ and really focus on songwriting. As covid restrictions were lifted, we started to play a few shows and kind of helped re-jumpstart the heavy music scene in our hometown.

What inspired the name Gnarwhal?


A few years ago, Jer and some buds were brainstorming “northern-themed” cliche band names for fun. He came up with the idea of Gnarwhal and sat on it for a few years. When we were trying to settle on a name for our group, he pulled that one out and it stuck. We actually went by a couple of other terrible band names prior to Gnarwhal. I won’t say what they were.


How long did it take you to write and record Altered States?


We actually had Tides and The War/Nothing More finished about a year ago, shortly after we released our debut album.

I originally wrote The War back in January 2023 for Gnarwhal but ended up recording and releasing an acoustic version on my Hughes EP, Here I Am.

Nothing More (which is the second half of that track), was written as a separate song originally, but we fused the two together.

From Her Hands and the title track, Altered States were finished right before we went into the studio in January 2024. We actually weren’t even sure Altered States would be ready, but it all came together nicely so we included it on the EP and made it the title track.


If you could insert yourself into any one band what band would it be and why?


Tough question! I’d love to play drums in a fun blues rock band. So I’d probably kick Patrick Carney out of The Black Keys and take his spot.

Jer, Mark and I used to jam on older Black Keys songs a lot when we first started jamming. Drumming to that stuff is a blast. Thickfreakness, The Big Come Up, Magic Potion. All influential albums to me.


Have you ever heard a song and immediately wished you had written it?  If so… What was the song and artist?

New Noise by Refused.

Sanctuary by Elder.

Conduit by Russian Circles.

Forty Six & 2 by Tool.

Bad Feeling, by Cobra Man.


Do you have any non-rock/metal musical inspirations?


For sure. I actually don’t listen to near as much heavy music and metal as I used to. I listen to a lot of acoustic alt/folk music, classic country/Americana, surf rock.

As I said earlier, The Black Keys are an inspiration. A few other artists from different genres would be Charley Crocket, Ghost Woman, Sturgill Simpson, Kurt Vile, Melenas. More than I can list, really.


What’s a non-metal song that you'd like to do a cover of?


Anything by Blondie would be fun. Hanging On The Telephone.


What band have you played with that has really impressed you with their live show?


Dead Quiet. We played with them this year at this rad little festival in Calgary called, Electric Highway. I had heard of them but didn’t really know their music well. They absolutely crushed their set and I’ve been on a Dead Quiet kick ever since. They’re a really really good band.


Do you have a favorite venue to play at?


I think our funnest stage so far is at our hometown festival called Folk on the Rocks. It's during mid-summer up here in Yellowknife Canada and takes place on a bunch of stages lakeside under the midnight sun. Such a great vibe and good crowds. We’ve also had the opportunity to play at a festival in a snow castle. Legit castle built of ice blocks and snow in the middle of winter.


Do you have a pre-show ritual?


A couple pints, some THC, and a couple shots of Jagermeister and we are good to go.


What is your favorite thing about touring?


Making memories with the bandmates and new band buds.


What is your least favorite thing about touring?


Early morning flights. Checking baggage. Flying with guitars is stressful.


Is there a city that you love to hit while on tour?


Calgary has been good to us so far.


The year is 2006.  Where are you at and what are you listening to? 


I believe I’m working in the skate shop and listening these new albums:

Crisis (Alexisonfire), Age of Winters (The Sword), Wake the Dead (Comeback Kid), Decemberunderground (AFI), Witch (Witch), Magic Potion (The Black Keys), Death by Sexy (Eagles of Death Metal), Supremacy (Hatebreed), Blood Mountain (Mastodon).


What advice would you give young musicians that are just starting out in the music business?


Don’t take yourself too seriously. Have fun and enjoy performing, writing, and rehearsing. Be in the moment with your friends and bandmates. Don’t be a dick, or a bully. Invest in good gear. Go to other bands’ shows. Support your local music scene.


What is an absolute killer band?


Black Sabbath obviously


Have you ever recorded a song that you really didn’t like, but somebody else in the band really did?

I’ve written some demos for the band that I wasn’t sure about, but once everyone provides their input and it morphs into a Gnarwhal song, they seem to turn out pretty good!


If you were to start your own music festival what would be the name of that festival and who would be the three headlining bands?


Right now I’d call it, “Altered States Fest”, in honor of this new EP.

Headlining would be Fu Machu, Allah-Las, and All Them Witches (because those are the last 3 bands that Spotify played for me this morning).


What’s the longest time you’ve gone without bathing?


Maybe a couple days. I don’t like feeling dirty and I can sweat a lot.


What’s one thing that most people don’t know about you?


I have a pretty sweet bottle opener collection.


Is the Fistful of DOOM show in the top 10 of your favorite music podcasts?


Do bears shit in the woods?

(interviewer’s note.. This is easily my favorite answer to this question)


Do unicorns sleep standing up?


Unicorns sleep laying down for a minimum of 9 hours a night. Everyone knows this.


Give me three albums that I should listen to immediately, if not sooner.


Grand Rights - Dead Quiet

Hindsight is 50/50 - Ghostwoman

Visions - MOOCH


You’re driving cross-country and you can only listen to one album the whole time.  What album will it be?

It’s Alive - The Ramones


You are writing a book about your life thus far.  What is the title of that book?


Still Hangin’ Around


What is your favorite song by Taylor Swift?


You Belong With Me ????


Slipknot or Rammstein (if you had to choose)?




Doobies or Boobies (if you had to pick one)?


Doobies between the boobies


Waffles or Pancakes (if you had to pick one)?

Eggo toaster waffles


Star Wars or Star Trek (if you had to choose)?


Star Wars


Favorite band t-shirt you own?


I pretty much exclusively wear plain tees, but my good friend in Portland has a band called MOON and he sent me a shirt that's pretty rad.


Favorite meal?


Well it's summertime, so I’ll probably fire up the smoker soon and cook a brisket. It's always a hit.


Favorite book?


My wife got me this book titled, The Boy and the Mountain. It's great. I’m also making my way through Rick Rubin’s, The Creative Act.


Favorite movie?


Too hard to narrow down to one, but I’m a sucker for gangster and war movies. I’m going to say Goodfella’s right now.


Favorite album?


Albums that changed my musical trajectory are: Appetite for Destruction, Master of Puppets, Nevermind, New Noise.

Favorite video game?


I don’t game much anymore, but EA NHL07 was unreal when it came out.


Favorite Professional Wrestler?


Ultimate Warrior or The Iron Sheik.



     Massive thanks to Benji for taking the time to answer my questions.  I appreciate you doing so.  As for the rest of you, you should click on the link so generously provided below and fill your ear holes with Gnarwhal’s latest EP, Altered States.  You will not be disappointed. 


~El Pedo Caliente


